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June 27, 2021

A Random Thought: 70th Year Anniversary

So I was listing to a rabbi doing a teaching on Israel’s 70 year anniversary as a nation, and was just blown away listening to the overall history of the Jews as a whole. I remember early on as a child hearing about Israel as God’s chosen people, but I can honestly say, I did not fully grasp just how deep that statement was. I did however understand the importance of loving them as a people, if not for anything other than the fact that they were not only chosen but established by the Most High. Listening to the plight of Israel as a people, I found myself overwhelmed by the way God went above and beyond to keep His covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, concerning the Jews. Time and again, God had given them grace, though by their actions they did not deserve. His love for His people was then and is now unfathomable to say the least. Countless prophets, spoke in the name of God, pleading with them to repent, and turn from their wicked ways. They prophesied about judgements to come, way in advance, giving them ample time to repent, yet they would not. Many of these prophets were beaten, some imprisoned and some even killed for the unfavorable word spoken from the voice of God. His love caused Him to allow His own beloved Son to come before them, only to be met with the exact same treatment as His prophets. Yet in the midst of it all, His amazing love never diminished towards His people in any way.

The Jews were exiled from their Promised Land countless times, as God used other nations to chastise them that they might repent. As the faithful God He is, each time they did, He allowed them to return to their homeland. Biblically, it can be understood that this little land, called Israel belongs solely to the Jews, regardless how many times they were exiled. The Bible makes it blatantly clear that the gifts of God are without repentance, meaning, He does not give a thing only to take it back. I find myself wondering, with all these so called believers of God and the Bible, how can so many people be blind to this fact? How can so many believers have so much disdain for the Jews, being His prized possession? It was prophesied that they would be hated of all nations, and now more than ever is this ever so evident. It’s almost demonic, how hatred towards this people is so blatant. In a world where we try to preach equality to all, I am utterly amazed how this equality is exempt to the Jews. I mean in the news almost weekly, you see segments on attacks on Israel as a whole or Jews in general. Almost everything Jewish is shunned to include those who dare take a stand for them. For the first time in a long time, we have a sitting U.S. President that is pro Israel, not just in words but actions. It seems that his pro Israel actions has upset the entire world. Even the church has shunned them, citing that God has ended His covenant with Israel and replaced them with “the Church”. The more I see this, the more certain I am that this is of demonic origin.

As I think about the numerous prophecies that address all of this hatred to everything connected to Israel, I begin to feel a sadness for those caught up in the middle of it all. I mean, if it was prophesied that they would be hated of “all nations”, two classes of people become clearly seen, those who are on the side prophesied to hate Israel and those who love Israel. No matter who you slice it, we are all on one side or the other. The thing is, if you are part of those who hate Israel, then you have to ask yourself, in the end, during the final battle, when “all” the nations of the world are at war with Israel, will you be with those trying to annihilate them, whether there physically or in spirit? John makes it clear in the Book of Revelation that the Jews will almost be wiped out when Yeshua finally returns, to redeem them, and restore the kingdom to them once and for all. It’s funny, I was reading in one of my Torah Portions, and God was saying that He would bless those who blessed Israel, and curse those who cursed them. With words like that being spoken over Israel, I just couldn’t be anti-semitic in any way. Now don’t me wrong, I am in no way saying that the Jews are perfect, but by the same token, neither are we, not by a long shot. They may not be where they are supposed to be, BUT, that does NOT mean that God has forgotten them. Let’s get one thing straight, for those who are so hard pressed to believe that God broke His covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for the church, if indeed He did, what assurity do you have that He wont break His covenant with you too?

I have heard many a people talking about how the Jews in Israel are not the “true” Jews, and that the Africans really are. I have seen the evidence on both sides, and I gotta say, the argument against the Jews in Israel being the “true” Jews is VERY weak. For many, it’s not even about ethnicity, but skin color. Now I do believe that their are some Jews of African descent, in that throughout the many dispersions of Israel, the people literally spread into the four corners of the world. That being said, this same argument can be said towards, China, Australia, Europe, and almost everywhere else. Isaiah prophesied about a nation being born in a day, and how this was unheard of, yet in 1948, after almost 2000 years, the nation of Israel was born in a day. Either this is prophecy or one hell of a coincidence. Me myself, I’m leaning towards prophecy. While looking at this prophecy unfold, not even twenty years into this, several of the surrounding Arab nations waged war against Israel. Not one soul came to ally themselves with Israel, to include the U.S.. Israel was terrified. I watched a documentary on this war not too long ago. One of the soldiers talked about how Israel was preparing to be wiped out. Many people began to dig graves for their dead. They had dug thousands of graves, expecting massive casualties on their side. Surprisingly, having the least modern weaponry, an unproven army on the battlefield, and few in numbers compared to their enemies, not only did they win the war, but they won in 6 days. I found this to be poetic, in that the 7th day was the Sabbath, so they had to rest, in accordance to Torah. Not only that, but prior to this assault, Jerusalem was NOT in their hands, nor had it been in over 2000 years, but along with this victory came the Holy City, and almost all of the other territory originally given to them when they first entered the land under the leadership of Joshua. Coincidence? I think not.

So after the war ended, humiliated, the Arab nations vowed to destroy Israel from off the face of the planet. There would never be peace with Israel. Israel desiring to live peaceably offered to give back some of the land they reacquired, despite the fact that it had been theres from the start. The other nations refused the offer, again stating that there would be “no peace” with Israel. Personally, I believe it had to be this way because I do not believe that it was the will of God that they give away some of their inheritance for the sake of peace. When God gives us something, I believe it is for us and us alone. Others may be able to share in it, but to possess it, that is another story. At the time of Israel becoming a nation again, there was nothing there to be desired. In fact it was a barren land. But 70 years later, Israel has become an innovator on several fronts, from medical advances to technology. When comparing Israel at 70 to any other nation at it’s 70 year mark, you can’t help but admit that Israel is leading the pack. When looking at this, I mean, how can one miss the providence of God on Israel? To say that these same people are not the “true Jews”, after all of this, then they must have played their part so good that even God Himself was fooled by them. Okay, that my have been a bit messy, but seriously, those who seriously doubt the validity of this people, you have to be spiritually blinded to the facts. There are just too many facts to ignore when looking at Israel and its accomplishments in 70 years. And what about them as it relates to history? I said early on that there are many that believe that the Jews have lost their place with God, but there is absolutely no Scripture whatsoever to back this up. If anything, it’s quite the opposite. There are a lot of theories out there, and some sound very believable, but the problem is, when looking for truth, one can’t go by what “sounds” good, but you have to measure truth by a credible source. What more credible source can one find than the Bible? And for those who are not believers in the Bible, thats cool, but how do you ignore the thousands of prophecies accurately quoted some a hundred and some a thousand or more years in advance? What about the thousands upon thousands of artifacts found and catalogued in various museums around the world, attesting to the accuracy of the Scriptures? You cannot dispute facts, even if it validates something you personally do not believe. The thing about facts, they don’t need one to believe for them to be right, they are right regardless. Anyway, just wanted to share a random thought with you all. Many blessings!