A review of what happens when a cerclage is placed in pregnancy.
For some women, the risk of premature birth or second trimester miscarriages are real and imposing concerns in pregnancy. In some cases, a cerclage may be recommended to help prevent these complications. Here's what you can expect when you get a cerclage during pregnancy:
What is a cerclage? A cerclage is a procedure in which a stitch or band is placed around the cervix to help keep it closed and prevent premature birth or miscarriage. It is typically recommended for women who have a history of premature birth, cervical insufficiency, or a shortened or known weakened cervix. The procedure is usually done around 12-14 weeks of pregnancy and is removed around 36-37 weeks of pregnancy.
Before the cerclage procedure, your OB/GYN will perform a cervical exam and may order an ultrasound to check the length of your cervix. The cerclage procedure is typically done under with local anesthesia and sedation. The OB/GYN will place a stitch or band around the cervix to keep it closed.
After the cerclage procedure, there is some monitoring and rest that ensures, but only for a short period of time. will likely need to There can be cramping and spotting for a few days after the procedure. Often sexual activity and heavy lifting for several days to weeks after the procedure is recommended.
A cerclage can be an effective way to prevent premature birth or miscarriage in certain high-risk pregnancies. If your doctor recommends a cerclage, it is important to understand the procedure, the recovery process, and the potential risks and complications. With proper care and monitoring, you and your baby can have a healthy pregnancy and delivery.
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