Feb. 13, 2024

E26: Insights from IVP: Inside One of Silicon Valley’s Best Growth Firms

E26: Insights from IVP: Inside One of Silicon Valley’s Best Growth Firms

In this episode of Turpentine VC, Somesh Dash, General Partner at IVP, joins Erik Torenberg to discuss how IVP differentiates itself, winning late stage deals, team construction, why venture capital in 2024 looks like private equity in 2008, the future of IVP, and much more.

In this episode of Turpentine VC, Somesh Dash, General Partner at IVP, joins Erik Torenberg to discuss how IVP differentiates itself, winning late stage deals, team construction, why venture capital in 2024 looks like private equity in 2008, the future of IVP, and much more.



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RELATED SHOWS: 10X Capital Podcast

If you like Turpentine VC, check out our show The 10x Capital Podcast with David Weisburd, where David talks to the investors behind the investors: https://10xcapitalpodcast.com/



@someshdash (Somesh)

@ivp (IVP)

@eriktorenberg (Erik)





(00:00) Intro

(02:47) How IVP Situates Itself

(07:39) The Case for Not Becoming Multi-Stage

(10:46) IVP's Strategy

(19:05) Evolution of IVP's Approach

(22:18) Sponsor: Brave

(23:20) Winning Late Stage Deals

(28:12) Fund Sizing

(36:13) IPO Window Opening

(39:35) Team Construction

(47:09) Evolution of VC

(50:36) Future of IVP