Festivus is a fictional holiday featured in the "Seinfeld" episode "The Strike," which has since been adopted by many as a real-life celebration. Originating from the show's writer Dan O'Keefe's family tradition, Festivus offers a whimsical...
Festivus is a fictional holiday featured in the "Seinfeld" episode "The Strike," which has since been adopted by many as a real-life celebration. Originating from the show's writer Dan O'Keefe's family tradition, Festivus offers a whimsical alternative to the commercialization of the holiday season. Celebrated on December 23rd, its unique customs include an unadorned aluminum pole, the "Airing of Grievances," where individuals share how others have disappointed them over the year, and the "Feats of Strength," a physical challenge typically involving wrestling. Intended as a humorous commentary on holiday customs, Festivus resonates with audiences for its simplicity and its satirical take on traditional festive norms, becoming a cultural phenomenon and a symbol of anti-commercialism in holiday celebrations.