Tune in to "TV In the Basement" as we explore the uproarious 1974 comedy "Blazing Saddles" as part of Netflix's "Milestone Movies: The Anniversary Collection." Uncover the side-splitting plot, stellar cast, awards, and intriguing trivia behind this...
Tune in to "TV In the Basement" as we explore the uproarious 1974 comedy "Blazing Saddles" as part of Netflix's "Milestone Movies: The Anniversary Collection." Uncover the side-splitting plot, stellar cast, awards, and intriguing trivia behind this Mel Brooks masterpiece. From Cleavon Little's iconic role as Sheriff Bart to the film's fearless satirical take on racism and stereotypes, we dive deep into the wild, wild west of laughter. Join us for a hilarious ride through the world of "Blazing Saddles" and discover why it remains a timeless classic in the world of comedy.