In this episode of "TV In the Basement," we take an in-depth look at the iconic 1974 film "The Lords of Flatbush." Join us as we journey back to the 1950s Brooklyn and delve into the lives of four close-knit friends who call themselves "The Lords of...
In this episode of "TV In the Basement," we take an in-depth look at the iconic 1974 film "The Lords of Flatbush." Join us as we journey back to the 1950s Brooklyn and delve into the lives of four close-knit friends who call themselves "The Lords of Flatbush." Discover how this coming-of-age tale, set against the backdrop of leather jackets, greased hair, and teenage dreams, continues to resonate with audiences of all generations.From Sylvester Stallone's early performance as Stanley to Henry Winkler's memorable turn as Butchey, we explore the stellar cast that brought this film to life. Learn about the film's box office success, its inclusion in The Criterion Collection, and its cultural impact on the borough of Brooklyn.