Journey Joe Mitchell ventures into the "Star Wars" universe in this episode, focusing on the new Disney+ series "The Acolyte." Set in the lesser-known High Republic era, the show follows Jedi Master Sol investigating a mystery tied to twin sisters...
Journey Joe Mitchell ventures into the "Star Wars" universe in this episode, focusing on the new Disney+ series "The Acolyte." Set in the lesser-known High Republic era, the show follows Jedi Master Sol investigating a mystery tied to twin sisters Osha and Mae. Joe breaks down the premise, cast, and standout episodes of the first half of the season. He appreciates the show's attempt to try new things within the "Star Wars" formula, particularly its crime procedural elements and nuanced take on the Jedi. Joe praises the performances, especially Lee Jung-jae in his English-language debut. He also speculates on the identity of the series' villain and the risks of relying too heavily on nostalgia. Overall, Joe expresses cautious optimism for "The Acolyte," hoping it can forge its own path in the crowded "Star Wars" TV landscape.
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