In this diabolical dive into "The Boys" Season 3, Journey Joe Mitchell suits up for the most unhinged outing yet of Amazon's satirical superhero hit. Joe breaks down how the season pushes its characters to their breaking points, particularly Antony...
In this diabolical dive into "The Boys" Season 3, Journey Joe Mitchell suits up for the most unhinged outing yet of Amazon's satirical superhero hit. Joe breaks down how the season pushes its characters to their breaking points, particularly Antony Starr's mesmerizing performance as the increasingly unhinged Homelander. He discusses the arrival of Jensen Ackles as Soldier Boy and how this new supe shakes up the power dynamics. Joe also digs into the season's most shocking and talked-about moments, from the jaw-dropping "Herogasm" episode to the emotionally devastating finale. Throughout the episode, Joe praises the show's biting social commentary and its unflinching approach to exploring the dark side of power and celebrity. He shares critical reactions and the season's awards success, including Antony Starr's second Critics Choice win for his portrayal of Homelander. It's a no-holds-barred discussion of a season that cements "The Boys" as the most daring and provocative show on television, one that continually pushes the boundaries of the superhero genre. Strap in and get ready for a wild ride - this is "The Boys" Season 3, and it's not for the faint of heart.
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