As political tensions reach a boiling point, Homelander unveils his newly stacked Seven at a chaotic Vought rally. Butcher wrestles with the morality of his plan to "deprogram" Ryan, while Hughie confronts his long-lost mother about her mysterious...
As political tensions reach a boiling point, Homelander unveils his newly stacked Seven at a chaotic Vought rally. Butcher wrestles with the morality of his plan to "deprogram" Ryan, while Hughie confronts his long-lost mother about her mysterious past. Kimiko drags a drug-addled Frenchie on a bloody quest for vengeance, and a shocking coup plot is exposed during a truly unhinged "Vought on Ice" rehearsal. With our heroes pushed to their limits and Homelander's sanity starting to crack, the stage is set for an explosive reckoning.
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