"Trapper John, M.D." is a medical drama television series that aired from 1979 to 1986, serving as a spin-off from the film "MASH". The show is set roughly two decades after the Korean War and follows the character Dr. John McIntyre, known as "Trapper...
"Trapper John, M.D." is a medical drama television series that aired from 1979 to 1986, serving as a spin-off from the film "MASH". The show is set roughly two decades after the Korean War and follows the character Dr. John McIntyre, known as "Trapper John," portrayed by Pernell Roberts. Trapper John is now the chief of surgery at San Francisco's Memorial Hospital.
The series blends drama and humor to explore the personal and professional lives of its medical staff, particularly focusing on the contrasts and camaraderie between the conservative, experienced Trapper John and his younger, more progressive colleague, Dr. George Alonzo "Gonzo" Gates, played by Gregory Harrison.
"Trapper John, M.D." was well-received for its nuanced storytelling, addressing various medical and ethical issues, and for its portrayal of the evolving field of medicine.
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