Episode 43: Dialogues

Dialogues is a short story demonstrating how human beings learned to talk to stars.

This story was submitted to the Tribeca Film Festival in it's newest 2021 Podcast Category. 

The feedback we received was as follows!

"Dear Melissa Del Toro,

Thank you submitting your podcast for consideration for the 2021 Tribeca Festival. Unfortunately, The Untold Tales Audio Anthologies Sci-Fi Short Story Podcast: Dialogues was not selected for this year’s program.  We realize this isn’t the email you were hoping for and there’s never an easy way to deliver the news. However, we want you to know that your submission was considered carefully among a large number of highly competitive submissions this year. We are grateful to have seen many incredible projects, even if we were not able to include them all in this year’s festival.

Thank you for all the hard work you put into creating your podcast, and for giving us the chance to listen to your work and discuss it with our team. We hope you will continue to share your projects and updates with us in the future. We wish you the best of luck with your podcast and look forward to hearing more of your work in the future.

All our best,

Programming Team

Tribeca Festival"

We are excited to continue our journey with you, our listening audience, and try again next year! 

We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you heard, please like and subscribe to our audio anthology and consider visiting our patreon site at www.patreon.com/melissadeltorovoiceover (//www.patreon.com/melissadeltorovoiceover)

If you'd like to purchase books in the Untold Tales series, which have many more stories for your reading enjoyment, you can find them here... https://www.amazon.com/Untold-Tales-1-Jeffrey-Robinson/dp/1081757892/

Music by HookSounds https://www.hooksounds.com


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