The Stranger - An eccentric neighbor sees UFOs, insists he is in contact with ‘them.’ The poor old fellow is obviously suffering from a bout of mental illness, and his condition seems to be worsening. Our protagonist wants to help, but who exactly is helping who here? Sucked in to the world of illusion, could there be any truth to the old man’s words?
This is the second contribution by one of our newest Untold Tales authors, Chris Morton! Chris Morton's stories have been described as being in the genres of slacker lit, sci-fi lit, sci-fi psyche, magical realism and avant-garde.
He is the author of three novels, six novellas and over thirty short stories.
For more information go to (
An English teacher for twenty years, Morton is also the author of the teaching guide: 'TEFL Flashcard Games for Young Learners.'
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