Introducing Podpage Labs

We've added an area in the dashboard for beta and experimental features that we're working on.

Most of our longterm users will tell you: Podpage continues to get better. We love adding features and functionality that make a podcaster's life easier. Most recently, we added the Guest Intake Form, a massive step forward in managing your guest workflow. This is one of hundreds of additions we've added since we launched in 2020.

Today, we're excited to let users in a little earlier on upcoming features with the addition of Podpage Labs. Users can access a list of a lot of the stuff we're working on right inside their Podpage dashboard. On the left side, there's now a "Labs" option, which will open a page showing some of the cool stuff we're working on.

Users who venture into that area need to know: this stuff is in progress. It might not work perfectly, might be missing features, might be a bad idea. The goal is to get it in your hands earlier and get your feedback!

If you head over there today, you'll see three features in development:

Show a Coming Soon page

Many users set up their website before the podcast is officially launched. Instead of showing people an empty looking site, you can now turn your Podpage into a Coming Soon page. This will show your artwork, description, and social media links. It will also show a media player for your first episode, which in most cases at this point is your trailer.

See for yourself why podcasters are switching to Podpage today

Announcement Banner

Sometimes there's some news so important that you want to draw everyone's attention to it. We've made that easy with the addition of the Announcement Banner. Enter whatever text you'd like, and we'll add a bar at the top of your website with that announcement. This area takes HTML, so if you want to add bold or links, you can.

Show first episode in header

Podpage has a few templates that show the media player for your latest episode in the website header. Some users prefer putting their trailer or first episode in the homepage header, instead of the latest episode. Now, you can choose which episode appears there.

More to come!

We hope you enjoy this.. there's a LOT more to come!

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Hear directly from customers about how impactful moving to Podpage was for them. These stories and our reviews show just a small sample size of the tens of thousands of podcasters who trust Podpage for the best podcasting sites on the web.

See for yourself why podcasters are switching to Podpage today