E47: Rob Henderson on Life in Foster Care, Academia, and Beyond

This week on Upstream, Erik is joined by Rob Henderson, psychologist and author of the newly released Troubled: A Memoir of Foster Care, Family, and Social Class. They discuss dating, cancel culture, luxury beliefs, and more.
This week on Upstream, Erik is joined by Rob Henderson, psychologist and author of the newly released Troubled: A Memoir of Foster Care, Family, and Social Class. They discuss dating, cancel culture, luxury beliefs, and more.
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Buy Rob's book: https://www.amazon.com/Troubled-Memoir-Foster-Family-Social/dp/1982168536
Rob's Newsletter: https://www.robkhenderson.com/
@robkhenderson (Rob)
@eriktorenberg (Erik)
(00:00) Intro
(01:03) Rob Henderson's unlikely journey from foster care to academia
(04:00) The importance of childhood stability
(07:48) Upward mobility is not the ultimate goal
(11:43) Sponsor | Brave
(12:46) How to improve discussions around family and class
(18:47) Understanding luxury beliefs
(25:06) Why do dumb ideas capture smart people?
(31:15) The impact of dating apps on relationships
(38:01) How technology will affect relationships and gender dynamics
(58:07) The future of higher education
(01:10:03) How to improve foster care
(01:12:50) Rob's time in the military
(01:18:57) Rob's future goals
Upstream is a production from Turpentine
Producer: Sam Kaufman
Editor: Michelle Poreh
For guest or sponsorship inquiries please contact Sam@turpentine.co