Season 1

Feb. 13, 2020

How To Build Your Brand: Smart Branding Strategies You Can Use Now With Guess Katie Hornor

How To Build Your Brand: Smart Branding Strategies You Can Use Now With Guess Katie Hornor. Listen to our latest show as we discuss brand strategy, digital marketing, and smart branding stratergies you can use now with brand ambasador Katie Hornor....
Feb. 8, 2020

Donald Trump Acquittal 2020- Gale King Lisa Lesi Interview Backlash About Kobe and More

Donald Trump was acquitted this week by the Senate and Gale King's Lisa Lesi interview did not strike gold as her R. Kelly interview did. In fact she has felt the ire of social media backlash at its highest degree. This week during our Walk In...
Jan. 29, 2020

Who Am I-A Guide To Assist You In Answering -Who Am I

Who Am I-A Guide To Assist You In Answering -Who Am I? Many people are seeking to discover their true authentic selves. The question "Who Am I?" has been pondered in songs ranging from Sponge Bob Squarepants to Casting Crows. Yet many people do not...
Jan. 27, 2020

Kobe Bryant Reaction - Walk In Victory Reaction: Rest In Peace, The Great Kobe Bryant

Kobe Bryant Reaction - Walk In Victory Reaction: Rest In Peace, The Great Kobe Bryant... Today's show we talk about the late great Kobe Bryant with special guest Daes, formally of the Miami Herald, and co-host of the Bird Road podcast; as well as...
Jan. 22, 2020

Goals and Resolutions - How To Make Goals, Not Resolutions 2020 & Start Today

Goals and Resolutions - How To Make Goals, Not Resolutions 2020. I know the month is ending and I am doing this show purposefully for this reason. How are your resolutions working out for you? If you are like the rest of us the resolutions are out the...
Jan. 17, 2020

Stress Report 2019- One Nation Under Stress

The 2019 Stress report has been released and it shows that we are allowing our work to stress us out. We are "One Nation Under Stress". This show is geared towards shedding light on the report, giving some tips concerning combatting anxiousness, and...
Jan. 10, 2020

Rooney Rule - Does The Rooney Rule Work?

Dan Rooney's impact on getting minorities head coaching jobs in the NFL is being tested. Many owners opt to take the fine because they already know who they are willing to hire for the job at hand. Many coaches are fed up with going into interviews...
Jan. 8, 2020

Evangelicals and Trump: Is There A Real Divide?- Christians Divided In America

Just before America struck Iran killing Qasem Soleimani, President Trump launched his Evangelicals for Trump coalition in Miami, Fla. This was on the heels of an editorial Christianity Today denouncing his Presidency. We are watching living through...
Dec. 31, 2019

Pilot Training - How To Become a Pilot? | Learn Now What It Takes 2020

The Pilot shortage is a real deal. Listen and learn what it takes for pilot training. How to become a pilot in 2020 will answer the question, "do I need a college degree to become a pilot" The pilot shortage is real. There is a need for pilots to go...
Dec. 19, 2019

Flight School - How To Choose A Flight School | Questions To Ask 2020 (Part 1)

Is flight school worth it? How does one become a pilot? How does one choose a flight school? In this episode we will attempt to answer all of these questions and much more. On the hills of Top Gun Maverick coming out in 2020, NaRon Tillman, host,...
Dec. 16, 2019

2019 Rewind- 2019 Rewind: The Good, The Bad, and Everything In Between

2019 Rewind- 2019 Rewind: The Good, The Bad, and Everything In Between! What an eventful year 2019 has been. In this podcast we look at The Good, The Bad, and Everything In Between that we could cover for our 2019 rewind. NaRon Tillman welcomes Obed...
Nov. 29, 2019

1Thing We Learned About Area 51 - The Real Area 51: Reporters Tries To Tour Top Secret US Facility & NaRon Tillman Discuss the Results

The secret US Military training facility codenamed Area 51 have been the center of numerous conspiricy theories involving aliens. Although there were hundreds of thousands of people who pledged online to invade Area 51 only 3000 came and 200 made it...
Nov. 25, 2019

Kanye West, Trump and The Black Church - NaRon Tillman- EXPLORES- Kanye West, Trump, The Black Church, and so much more

Kanye West, Trump and The Black Church as been a burning topic that has come with a lot of controversy. In the latest edition of Walk In Victory, NaRon Tillman, host, welcomed Micheal J. Uptigrow, Pastor of Solid Rock Baptist Church, BK NY and you...
Oct. 23, 2019

Good News: Motivation Is Only One Click Away

The holidays are quickly approaching and in these seasons it's hard to stay motivated to get and of stay in shape. If you are like me then you need to listen to Host NaRon Tillman's interview with Marcus Allen, physical fitness guru and owner of Ronin...
Oct. 14, 2019

A Business With Your Spouse - Run A Successful Business Like Gospel Artist David & Tiffany Spencer

Running a business can be challenging, but, what about running a business with your spouse? Running a business with your spouse is challenging, exciting, and hopefully rewarding hear how gospel artist David and Tiffany Spencer has managed to climb...
Oct. 6, 2019

Negative Bias - Understanding The Negativity Bias and How To Beat It

Understanding The Negativity Bias and How To Beat It... Every step that you take towards progress is a huge deal and allowing yourself to feel pride towards your accomplishments is a great way for you to combat your negative bias. What is negative...
Sept. 30, 2019

Tips on The Importance of The Sacred

Join us as NaRon Tillman welcomes Pastor D. A. Sherron, noted author whose latest book is ”Coloring Outside the Lines” and Pastors Global Fire Ministries in Brooklyn, New York. Together they explore the importance of connecting with classical writing...
Aug. 31, 2019

Entrepreneurship Development - Concept of Entrepreneurship Key Concepts with NaRon Tillman

Entrepreneurship Development - Concept of Entrepreneurship Key Concepts with NaRon Tillman is a must listen for those who are looking to develop the mentality of an entrepreneur. This episode is for persons who may have a business, looking to begin a...
Aug. 30, 2019

Social Media Influence - The Impact Of Social Media On society: Good or Bad?

Does social media influence the mind rather in a good or bad way? In this episode of Walk In Victory, NaRon Tillman, host welcomes guest host D. Aaron Sherron as they explore this critical question. As we see "Social Media Influencers" are real and...
July 30, 2019

Organized Religion vs. Spirituality

In this episode we have a repeat co host Obed Burgess. We discuss how this generation has a different concept of God because they view it through the scope of media and scandal. We deal briefly with Prophets Juanita Bynum as well as a host of other...
July 16, 2019


Sports Addition... This year was the Biggest Free Agency Signing Period In the History of the N.B.A. As the Balance...
June 29, 2019

Forget About Trump Impeachment Talks This Is Way Scarier for America…

When the founders of this Nation established their checks and balances I am sure that they did not have these Trump-like problems in mind. As we sit and watch our nation slowly torn apart by race, finances, and Red or Blue values which are held to a...
June 12, 2019

Transformation of the Mind

NaRon Tillman, Pastor of One Ministries in Brooklyn, NY and Mindfulness coach explores tools that can be used today to help Transform the Mind. In this episode we cover things such as vision, goal setting and so much more.These are proven tools that...
April 23, 2019

How to overcome Fear and Anxiety today.

We have all failed at things, however, we can not allow these failures to produce fear and anxieties. In this episode NaRon Tillman, Pastor of One Ministries in Brooklyn NY and mindfulness coach explore the topic of overcoming failure, fear and anxiety.