Barry Labov

Barry LaBov, a two-time Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year, is a celebrated author, speaker, and brand strategist. With a core emphasis on differentiation, Barry advocates for leaders to unearth and champion their brand’s distinctiveness to win market share and the hearts of the people who represent it. His book, “The Power of Differentiation. Win Hearts, Minds and Market Share,” distributed by Simon and Schuster, embodies this philosophy. As the founder of LABOV, a renowned marketing training firm serving blue-chip clients, Barry is renowned for his infectious energy, creativity, and uplifting message.

May 1, 2024

Beyond the Barrier: Lessons in Leadership with Barry Labov

Beyond the Barrier: Lessons in Leadership with Barry Labov Leadership, Differentiation, and Finding Your Unique Voice In this episode of the Walk in Victory podcast, host NaRon Tillman, broadcasting from Queens, New York, delve into the world of...
Guest: Barry Labov