Cheryl Wills

Cheryl Wills Profile Photo

TV Journalist, Author, Public Speaker

CHERYL WILLS is an Emmy award-winning journalist based in New York City. She is the author of a series of books about her great-great-great-grandfather Sandy Wills - an enslaved Tennessee man who fought for his freedom during The American Civil War. Cheryl has keynoted events all over the world and teaches students about her grandfather’s service with United States Color Troops.

March 30, 2024

Echoes from the Storefront: Cheryl Wills on Gospel, Grit, and Grace SPECIAL EDITION

Echoes from the Storefront: Cheryl Wills on Gospel, Grit, and Grace SPECIAL EDITION ( Celebrating Women's History in Gospel Music: An Insightful Conversation This episode of the Walk in Victory podcast, hosted by NaRon...
Guest: Cheryl Wills