Freddie Rappina

Freddie Rappina Profile Photo

Wealth Advisor/ Author of Playing the Wealth Game

Freddie Rappina is a Financial
Advisor and a Chartered
Financial Consultant as well as
an Accredited Investment
Fiduciary™ who founded Opta
Financial. Freddie helps clients
examine their current financial
situation, financial goals,
completes a financial analysis,
provides recommendations,
implements and reviews plans
for clients.
In addition to experience in the
financial services industry,
Freddie also has experience in
law enforcement and is retired
from The Fairfax County Police
Department in Virginia. Freddie
is originally from Long Island,
New York and enjoys coaching

Nov. 7, 2024

Grow Rich with Real Estate Success

Grow Rich with Real Estate Success: The Mindset Shift from Checkers to Chess  In this episode of the Walk in Victory podcast, host NaRon Tillman discusses wealth-building strategies and the importance of a mindset shift with...