How To Use Business Credit: The Investment Vehicle

How To Use Business Credit: The Investment Vehicle
The inflation rate has hit a record high of 9.1% according to the WSJ. This is the highest rate we have seen in 4 decades. What does this mean for us and our...
How To Use Business Credit: The Investment Vehicle
The inflation rate has hit a record high of 9.1% according to the WSJ. This is the highest rate we have seen in 4 decades. What does this mean for us and our economy? How can small businesses survive these times where products, goods, and services are so expensive and customers are complaining about our prices? In this episode of Walk In Victory, we talk to LaJaun Hughes about how business owners can leverage their personal credit to build healthy business credit. LaJaun grants us knowledge concerning how to actually build wealth during this time using other people's money. You won't want to miss it!
LaJuan Huges is a content creator, finance expert, and he runs a YouTube channel geared towards helping people get an understanding about small business credit. If you're struggling to understand business credit, Lajuan can help you get on the right track. With his expert guidance, you can reach your goals and achieve the financial success you deserve. Listen to our conversation now and then contact Lajuan for free resources you can use today: