Understanding The Negativity Bias and How To Beat It...
Every step that you take towards progress is a huge deal and allowing yourself to feel pride towards your accomplishments is a great way for you to combat your negative bias.
What is negative...
Understanding The Negativity Bias and How To Beat It...
Every step that you take towards progress is a huge deal and allowing yourself to feel pride towards your accomplishments is a great way for you to combat your negative bias.
What is negative bias? Scientist explains negative bias as giving more weight to negative or threatening things than we so to more positive or happy things. We fight against this mindset daily because we are all preexposed to negative bias. In church this is called "sin", however, NaRon Tillman, host of Walk In Victory, Mindfulness Coach and Pastor of One Ministries in Brooklyn NY uses this episode to give you tools to overcome negative bias.
Happiness is possible: De-conditioning the negative bias, although it will take work, is possible, however, it starts with understanding that negative bias does exist.