In this episode of 'Walk in Victory,' host NaRon Tillman explores the profound impacts of the crack era on community mental health and introduces Ruth, who shares her harrowing journey through addiction, psychosis, and recovery. Starting with her...
In this episode of 'Walk in Victory,' host NaRon Tillman explores the profound impacts of the crack era on community mental health and introduces Ruth, who shares her harrowing journey through addiction, psychosis, and recovery. Starting with her college years, Ruth recounts episodes of severe drug-induced psychosis, including a dangerous encounter with PCP-laced food, leading to multiple breakdowns, a life-threatening injury, and her ultimate path to healing. Through finding the right psychiatric support and developing a support system, including a marriage with a psychiatrist, Ruth highlights the importance of never giving up hope, advocating for seeking help, changing therapists or medications if needed, and the significance of having a support system. The episode concludes with a message of hope and resilience, emphasizing the necessity of communication and support to navigate the challenges of mental health and substance abuse.
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