June 12, 2020

Things Will Be Better Tomorrow - Leading Though Tough Times | Jason Fisher

Things Will Be Better Tomorrow - Leading Though Tough Times | Jason Fisher

Things Will Be Better Tomorrow - Leading Through Tough Times | Jason Fisher

"You are the average of the people you surround yourself with. Find those people that will help you push towards the direction you want to go and help you improve."


Things Will Be Better Tomorrow - Leading Through Tough Times | Jason Fisher

"You are the average of the people you surround yourself with. Find those people that will help you push towards the direction you want to go and help you improve."

In today’s episode of the podcast Walk In Victory our guest is life coach Jason from Columbus (Ohio). His background is pretty colorful and it involves theater, pastoral ministry and business consulting services. On top of that, he does coaching. You can check out his podcast "Be Better Tomorrow." The title of the podcast refers to all of us trying to be better people; we need to compare ourselves to the person we were yesterday and take small steps to be better tomorrow.

Jason says that his transition from being a pastor into being a life coach was simple and came naturally; he used all the skills he learned to make his methods and approach unique. Coaching is a system of drawing answers out of people that are already in them, you just need to ask the right questions to draw out the answers that people may already have or at least questions they need to ask. People need to figure out themselves what the problem is and how to deal with it. If you have a direction, you can get through all the difficult stuff because your desire will drive you through all the way.

Jason makes a point of having an hour and a half or two hours in a day just for yourself, when you do whatever you like: meditate, read, listen to a podcast… These are small building blocks that help you get through the day and this is where your discipline begins. You need to have a starting place and a place where you want to go, something that represents ‘more’ for you and your passion will get you there.

Sometimes we get so attached to something that we do not want to let it go, and as ridiculous as it may sound, we can get attached to failure too; it is called self-sabotaging! The question is how we overcome the dark periods we go through? Jason quotes what Ben Hardy wrote in his book, which can be summarized as follows: It is important to see yourself in the past, present and future as different people. Your focus should be on what would make you happy in the future, rather than looking back on your past failures.

On the topic of post COVID-19 and job loss, Jason says that this is the time to decide what it is that we really want to do and use the given opportunity to prepare for the future instead of worrying. Take a chance to improve yourself, learn a new skill and start something new. However, it is easier said than done because people are hesitant about spending their money in self-improvement.

Email: tillman@oneministries.church

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[1] https://www.iheart.com/podcast/966-walk-in-victory-51337572/

[2] https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/be-better-tomorrow/id1439311982

[3] https://benjaminhardy.com/

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