Oct. 21, 2020

(Unbelievable) Martial Law - Is Trump Considering Marshal Law?

(Unbelievable) Martial Law - Is Trump Considering Marshal Law?

(Unbelievable) Martial Law - Is Trump Considering Marshal Law?


In this episode, the host, pastor NaRon Tillman and special guest, expert in the topic of The Martial law, Marko King discuss the heavy topic of finances in politics, the...

(Unbelievable) Martial Law - Is Trump Considering Marshal Law?


In this episode, the host, pastor NaRon Tillman and special guest, expert in the topic of The Martial law, Marko King discuss the heavy topic of finances in politics, the current elections and with that the government's overview and “law and order”.

Starting with the topic of the pandemic, they discuss their lives in the situation, counting blessings. Firstly, Marko thoroughly explains Martial law, its impact and the authority of President Trump and The Secret Services. He shares his background, being a retired member of the military and navy for 22 years and a police officer for 19 years as well. Having this much experience, he specializes in all topics of this nature like the Martial law naming fazes of it, signs like curfews. Talking about their own experiences, being black men, they talk about set ups and members of the police. Marko expresses his opinion on young men becoming officers, while being raised on the street and coming from the projects, discussing when was the last time there was a full Martial Law and motives behind it. They explain the mentality in the 60s and now, during protests and riots, showing differences. NaRon expresses his concern for his son and the protocols to do when approached by and officer, talking about the bitter reality in the current climate, asking how the people should respond to this law, explaining the “us against them” mentality. Marko discusses that the people are the ones not allowing it to go down the path of war, comparing it to waring and not wearing masks, to help understand fights between people in uniforms and the ones not in, gun against gun, praying for the wisdom from God.

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Listen to other episodes: https://www.spreaker.com/show/walk-in-victory