Nov. 16, 2022

What Is Imposter Syndrome - What Is Imposter Syndrome And How Can You Deal With It? | Sheryl Anjanette

What Is Imposter Syndrome - What Is Imposter Syndrome And How Can You Deal With It? | Sheryl Anjanette

What Is Imposter Syndrome - What Is Imposter Syndrome And How Can You Deal With It? | Sheryl Anjanette

Ever heard of Imposter Syndrome? This episode we discuss the true meaning of Imposter Syndrome and how one can...

What Is Imposter Syndrome - What Is Imposter Syndrome And How Can You Deal With It? | Sheryl Anjanette

Ever heard of Imposter Syndrome? This episode we discuss the true meaning of Imposter Syndrome and how one can overcome it. Listen in as we introduce to you Sheryl Anjanette as we discuss this and more.


Sheryl Anjanette is an author (The Imposter Lies Within: Silence Your Inner Critic, Tame Your Fear, Unleash Your Badassery), international speaker, thought leader and trainer on the topics of Imposter Syndrome, Burnout and Peak Performance.

As a natural extension of her 30-year career as an entrepreneur and marketing and communications executive and her wellness practice with advanced certifications in Integrative Hypnotherapy, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), Cognitive Behavioral Neuroscience, Clinical Stress, Anxiety and Emotional Regulation, Strategy and Human Performance Improvement, Sheryl has dedicated her business to helping individuals and organizations overcome the debilitating effects of imposter syndrome.

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