Jan. 27, 2022

120. Encounter: Who Do You Say I Am?

120. Encounter: Who Do You Say I Am?

Meditation on Matthew 16: 15-19

The more we know who God is, the more we know ourselves.

 In the book of Matthew, Jesus asks Simon Peter a question we must all answer honestly, "Who do you say I am?"  

(Matthew 16: 15-19)

In this Encounter with Jesus, we can meditate and imagine ourselves standing before Jesus answering this question. And in response, Jesus speaks over us our Kingdom identity. 

Who does Jesus say you are? 

Enjoy this 13 minute moment to Encounter Jesus face to face. For more Encounters, check out the rest of Wholistic Hearts episodes. I'd love to hear from you! Find me on IG or FB @kristinfieldschadwick.

 Music by the Artist, Moments

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