Betrayal is a strong word. And yet, our perception that our body's betray us can feel very real. We feel disconnected. Our hearts long to do something yet our body's seemingly throw a fit. This looks like sickness, autoimmune disease, anxiety...
Betrayal is a strong word. And yet, our perception that our body's betray us can feel very real. We feel disconnected. Our hearts long to do something yet our body's seemingly throw a fit. This looks like sickness, autoimmune disease, anxiety responses in certain situations. Years of ignoring our bodies cues can lead to some serious trust issues. Just as if we watched our friend walk through a marriage betrayal, we can walk with ourselves through this process of healing the connection.
Today Kristin Chadwick will lead you through ways of starting to heal the connection to your body and your mind through ways we can shift our perspective and rebuild trust with our amazing bodies.
3 Books I Recommend for More In Depth Study:
When The Body Says No
The Body Keeps Score
How to Do the Work
Other Relatable Episodes:
Dr. Stephanie Poe, "Intuitive Eating"
Women Jesus Meets with Kindness Story:
An Encounter:
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