April 8, 2021

59. Pursuing Connection in Friendships

59. Pursuing Connection in Friendships

Featuring Guest Laura Dobson

On this week's episode of Wholistic Heart's podcast, I reunite on the mic with my former boss and co-host from Rebel Parenting, Laura Dobson.  As I thought about friendship and our topic of pursuing connection, I knew Laura had to be on the show with me.  

Join us as we reminisce about what drew us to want to be friends, our MOPS memories, our kids, and doing life together through some of our toughest seasons.  We discuss the joys of pursuing connection with each other, as well as, the bravery to be vulnerable and honest even when it's difficult. 

We discuss:

-What we think has been the most helpful ways to stay connected in friendship

-Commitment to grow and intentionality pursuing each other

-Anchoring our friendship with Jesus


And so much more! 


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