June 25, 2021

77. To Be Honest...

77. To Be Honest...

To be honest, I am tired.  After three different surgeries in the last six months for different kids for various reasons, and helping my son heal from PANS (strep of the brain in a nutshell), I am pretty weary. Just as one of my most faith-filled...

To be honest, I am tired.  After three different surgeries in the last six months for different kids for various reasons, and helping my son heal from PANS (strep of the brain in a nutshell), I am pretty weary. Just as one of my most faith-filled kids was honest with his questions about “why did this happen?” I want to be honest with myself, with God, and with you.  I do not wish to portray that I am numb or above life’s circumstances. I believe God is a God who has a full heart- a full heart of emotion...

Read more of today's how notes at https://www.kristinfieldschadwick.com


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