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Sept. 9, 2024

From Fear to Faith: Embracing the Jesus' Invitation to "Join Up"

From Fear to Faith: Embracing the Jesus' Invitation to

Have you ever watched videos of a horse trainer demonstrating the process of "join up?

It's incredible powerful if you watch how a wild horse or an untrained horse with unrestrained power and strength begins to slowly trust and align it's own will with the leadership of the trainer. 

The trainer recognizes the horses natural abilities, emotions, reactions and begins to work with the horse. The trainer sees the horse, knows the horse and understands the horse.  Eventually the horse submits to the authority of the trainer while also the trainer shows trust in the horse. It's a never ending circle of submission. 

How powerfully parallel our journey is to the Savior. 

Some of us have been stuck in fight or flight mode most of our lives and are in pure fear. Every decision is made in fear of something. Or maybe it's an underlying mistrust in Jesus' direction or the gifts the Father has given us. 

Some of us are like the scared horse numb and hide in the corner of the arena too afraid to move.  We've been hurt and understandably trying to not dream of the bigger things God has for us. 

The invitation from Jesus is to "join up" with His leadership and walk in step with His leading. This week's episode, I share a beautiful mutual submission in leadership in a moment at the start of Jesus' ministry that gives us insight to His heart for us.  I encourage you to go watch the video of what "join up" looks like AND to go listen to this week's episode. Below, I will give you some journal prompts to help you as you are processing and allowing Jesus to speak to your heart about your life, your purpose, your calling, your business. He's here for it. 

Journal Prompts: 

  • Jesus what do you see are the gifts the Father has given me and how are you empowering me to use them? 
  • Jesus, thank you for including us in the Master Plan.  What does your partnership say about you?
  • What areas am I holding onto in fear and not aligning or "joining up" with you?