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Oct. 21, 2024

Breaking Through Limiting Beliefs to Become a More Authentic Podcaster

Breaking Through Limiting Beliefs to Become a More Authentic Podcaster
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Podcast Coaching for Female Entrepreneurs with Kristin Fields Chadwick

Are you feeling stuck in your podcast journey or business, hitting frustrating walls that seem insurmountable? You're not alone, and there are tools available to help you break through those barriers, just as God provided Joshua with a mission and strategy. In this episode, I chat with Misty Springer, a master coach who specializes in helping faith-centered entrepreneurs take purposeful and aligned action. Misty shares her insights on overcoming limiting beliefs that hold us back, emphasizing the importance of tuning into your heart's true voice and recognizing the noise of the second voice that often paralyzes us. Join us as we explore practical strategies to awaken your potential, align your actions with your true identity, and step into the fullness of what God has in store for you and your podcast.


  • Hitting a wall in your podcasting journey is common, and you're not alone in this struggle.
  • God provides us with tools and strategies, just like He did for Joshua, to overcome obstacles.
  • Understanding the difference between your heart voice and your mind voice is crucial for overcoming limiting beliefs.
  • Awakening to your true self is the first step in creating an aligned business and podcast.
  • Identifying and bringing awareness to your invisible brick walls allows for meaningful progress.
  • Aligned action comes naturally when you operate from a place of authenticity and purpose.

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Mentioned in this episode:

Master and Cultivate: A 90 Day Podcast Growth Coaching Intensive

Want to grow your podcast? Schedule a free call to see if Master and Cultivate: A 90 Day Podcast Growth Coaching Intensive is right for you and your podcast.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

So many times we can feel like we are hitting a very frustrating invisible wall in our podcast launch, in our businesses, in family, in relationships, even with ourselves.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

And I know I have felt this personally.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

Just like in the Bible where Joshua is confronted with this huge task, he knows that it is now upon him to go and take the promised land.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

But there were, there was time where he just kept hitting a wall and he was doing the walk around the wall, the Jericho wall, right?

Kristen Fields Chadwick

And maybe you feel that where you're hitting a wall, you're walking around the same wall.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

But first, I want to tell you, friend, that you are not alone.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

You are human.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

And second, God has given us tools.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

Like he gave Joshua, he gave him a mission, he gave him a strategy that started with a heart centered approach.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

And we can break down these walls that we keep hitting in our businesses, in our personal lives, in our podcast.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

And we can, we can break off these limiting beliefs that are holding us back from walking into the fullness of what God has for us and our business and of course, our podcasts.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

My guest today is Misty Springer.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

Misty's specialty is helping faith centered entrepreneurs get into action that feels purposeful and aligned, using powerful tools to break through some of these limiting beliefs that we are talking about.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

She is a master coach with a rich past as a therapist, somatic coach, breath work facilitator and mindfulness expert to reframe limiting beliefs.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

The mind, body and heart, you guys are in for a treat.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

If you are a podcaster that maybe feels stuck or you are coming up against some limiting beliefs, I really encourage you to listen to this episode and share it with a friend who may need some encouragement.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

She gives us an amazing strategy on how to break through some of these barriers that we're brushing up against and I know that it's going to be so helpful for you to take it to the next level, whether you are launching a podcast or you are trying to grow your podcast.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

So without further ado, here we go.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

Welcome to podcast coaching for kingdom entrepreneurs.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

I'm Kristen Fields Chadwick, your podcast coach on this transformative podcasting journey.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

Our mission empower kingdom entrepreneurs to confidently launch and grow podcasts, fostering a journey of being seen, being heard, being known, and making a lasting kingdom impact.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

This is podcast coaching for kingdom entrepreneurs.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

Your voice matters.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

All right, misty, welcome, welcome.

Misty Springer

Thank you.

Misty Springer

Thanks for having me.

Misty Springer

I'm really excited to be here.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

I am so thrilled to be talking about this.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

I just got into a conversation at a co working space about finding your voice and it really just kept coming back to.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

The way that I could describe it is dropping down into what is your heart.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

And I know you're so passionate about, like, wholehearted, heart centered entrepreneurship and just living out your life.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

And I think those two go hand in hand, is as a podcaster, you're really learning to use your voice.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

And when it really clicks in for people as listeners of your podcast is when we get in touch with those heart things.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

But there can be barriers to really understanding our own heart and, and the drive of really understanding our own voices through some limiting beliefs, which you are such a great expert and, and somebody who could help us walk through, how to break through some of these limiting beliefs, that's really preventing us as podcasters from using our authentic voice.

Misty Springer


Misty Springer

I love that you are already recognizing that that authentic voice comes from the heart.

Misty Springer

Yes, because it's really easy to try to solve problems and to try to move and create just from our mind.

Misty Springer

And that's where all the limiting beliefs and all the noise is stored.

Misty Springer

And so the way that I like to describe this is what I call your first voice and your second voice.

Misty Springer

And your first voice is in your heart.

Misty Springer

It's the truth of who you are.

Misty Springer

I differentiate that I don't necessarily like the term my truth because I think my truth is wrapped up in all the limiting beliefs.

Misty Springer

It's all the patterns of protection that I've created.

Misty Springer

It's all the experiences that I've had that have told me I'm not enough.

Misty Springer

That's what my voice can be wrapped up in, the truth.

Misty Springer

The truth of who I am is connected to God.

Misty Springer

And when I can drop into the truth of who I am, that's the first voice, that's that heart voice.

Misty Springer

That's the truth of the message that I'm meant to share, the gifts that I'm meant to give to the world.

Misty Springer

And that's what I would imagine why your listeners and all of us heart centered entrepreneurs are actually doing the work that we're doing.

Misty Springer

Because we felt that call on our heart and we felt that little niggle that said, you're meant for more.

Misty Springer

The problem is we drop into that first voice, we feel that little niggle.

Misty Springer

We feel that little like, yes, let's go.

Misty Springer

And we take a step in the direction of that first voice, and then all the second voice comes into play, and that's all the noise in our mind.

Misty Springer

That's the yeah, buts, that's the what ifs, that's the who's going to listen.

Misty Springer

Am I even going to have something to say.

Misty Springer

Am I going to be misunderstood?

Misty Springer

Are people really going to listen to me?

Misty Springer


Misty Springer

It's all of those second voices that stop us.

Misty Springer

They get in the way of us creating what we're here and what we're meant to create.

Misty Springer

But that, yeah, I love that you have already tapped into that.

Misty Springer

That first voice and second voice is critical because when we could tap, when we can turn the volume up on our first voice and turn the volume down on our second voice, that's when we actually take action.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

That's when we show up so good.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

And I.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

I'm, like, going through all of the scenarios in my own story and in so many podcasters that I've worked with that they start off with this, I woke up in the middle of the night and I heard, I need to start a podcast, or I've just always had this little voice in me that's like, you know what?

Kristen Fields Chadwick

I need to share my story, or I want to create an impact.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

I want to step into my purpose.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

And then the second voice comes in, and that's where I'm usually on a phone call with them and saying, okay, where are we stuck?

Kristen Fields Chadwick

And it's.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

They think it's around.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

I don't know what equipment.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

I don't know how to get my podcast out there.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

It's the.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

I don't know how.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

So I'm paralyzed.

Kristen Fields Chadwick


Kristen Fields Chadwick

But it sounds like from, I love how you have described, that is the second voice is kicked in, and now they're logically in their.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

In the logical side of things, of like, okay, now I need to think my way to this next step.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

Is that right?

Misty Springer


Misty Springer

And I'm going to give you two scenarios that I think are going to really help clarify this a little bit.

Misty Springer

The first is, so I run retreats, I coach, and I coach one on one, and I run retreats.

Misty Springer

And it's all around this idea of connecting to your first voice and moving and taking action from that first voice as we turn down the volume on that noise.

Misty Springer

So I was at a retreat, and I asked for one brave volunteer, and her goal was to make it through an obstacle course that I'd set up with chairs and get from one side of the room to the other side of the room.

Misty Springer

And all she.

Misty Springer

There was a couple of different caveats that we're going to make this a little bit more challenging.

Misty Springer

The first, she was blindfolded.

Misty Springer


Misty Springer

So the only way that she knew how to navigate the obstacle course was by listening to her trusted guide, which was another woman on the other side of the room, and she had to listen to her trusted guide to help her to navigate through this obstacle course.

Misty Springer

Well, the other thing was that I had had all the other 25 participants in the room write down a thought that got in their way that kept them from taking action.

Misty Springer

And so they wrote down their limiting beliefs, and they said, okay, just say those out loud in the room, as this woman is trying to navigate the obstacle course, and so she's starting out, she's trying to listen to her trusted guide on the opposite side of the room, and all this noise around her is just, you're not good enough.

Misty Springer

You're never gonna make it.

Misty Springer

Who's gonna listen to you anyway?

Misty Springer

Just repeated over and over and over again.

Misty Springer

And as she started out, she started out taking a couple of steps forward and feeling pretty confident.

Misty Springer

But about four or five steps in, she just stopped.

Misty Springer

And she put her hands over her ears and she said, I can't hear anything.

Misty Springer

I don't know what to do.

Kristen Fields Chadwick


Misty Springer


Misty Springer


Misty Springer

And isn't that what we've all experienced?

Misty Springer


Misty Springer

Like, yeah, I'm confused because I think it's the tech problems.

Misty Springer

I don't know what technology to use.

Misty Springer

I don't know what to write for my next podcast.

Misty Springer

I don't have enough to say.

Misty Springer

All of those things are just the noise that keeps us paralyzed.

Misty Springer

It's not that the first voice isn't there guiding us.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

It's just we can't hear it so good.

Kristen Fields Chadwick


Kristen Fields Chadwick

That just brings such a great picture of what is literally going on inside of our mind, body, and spirit as we are bravely taking that step forward, and we get stuck.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

Just like that example where it's.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

We do we just get paralyzed and either drop back in fear and kind of give up or even.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

Even with podcasters that are 100 episodes in.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

This is absolutely true.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

Where you just get into this mode of it's too much.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

I don't have anything else to offer.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

I don't even know what I'm offering.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

Who am I to continue this podcast?

Kristen Fields Chadwick

So, okay, so say you're working with a podcast client who.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

Or an entrepreneur, a person, a woman who is.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

Who has got this block of all these limiting beliefs that have piled up and piled up and piled up.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

That second voice is kicked into gear.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

How do we start to break through?

Kristen Fields Chadwick

How do we start to unpack and get past the loud noise that's going on inside of our chatterbox, inside of our brain?

Misty Springer


Misty Springer


Misty Springer

Love that question.

Misty Springer

And it's about going to work in a different way.

Misty Springer

I think a lot of us, myself included, we started our businesses because we felt a call.

Misty Springer

We felt a call on our heart.

Misty Springer

That woman who wakes up in the middle of the night and says, I'm supposed to start a podcast, they're like, there's a message I'm meant to share.

Misty Springer

It's like the story of Esther, right?

Misty Springer

Like, oh, perhaps I'm made for such a time as this, right?

Misty Springer


Misty Springer


Misty Springer

That's, like, my favorite.

Misty Springer

That's my favorite story.

Misty Springer

I love the story of Esther.

Misty Springer

There's so many good lessons in that.

Misty Springer

And so we feel this call and then we go, okay, God, thanks.

Misty Springer

Now I'm going to go create it.

Misty Springer

And we try to use the exact same steps that we've used to create every other goal in our life, which is, like, for me, like, running marathons.

Misty Springer

Like, I print off a training plan on the Internet, and I go out and I put in the hours, and then at the end of the day, I run my marathon and checkbox success.

Misty Springer


Kristen Fields Chadwick


Misty Springer

It doesn't work that way.

Misty Springer

When God puts a call on our heart, we have to create.

Misty Springer

We have to co create our heart centered business.

Misty Springer

If we just try to jump into creation like we've always done everything else, it doesn't work.

Misty Springer

And I know that I felt that frustration for a long time.

Misty Springer

It felt like I was just, like, running up against this invisible brick wall.

Misty Springer

Like, I'm doing all the things.

Misty Springer

Why is it not working?

Kristen Fields Chadwick

Oh, yeah.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

I think so many people are going to resonate with that.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

I'm doing all the things, especially those that are in the, you know, a year into podcasting, or a year and a half, two years, and I'm doing all the things.

Kristen Fields Chadwick


Kristen Fields Chadwick

Yeah, keep going.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

Because this is so good.

Misty Springer

So the way that we co create is a process that I call awake, aware, align.

Misty Springer


Misty Springer

This is the, this is the process that I, that I coach on and that I use at my retreats as well.

Misty Springer

The first step is awaking to the truth.

Misty Springer


Misty Springer

It's turning up the volume on that first voice.

Misty Springer

It's really getting clear on why it is that you are called to do the work that you're doing and why it's possible for you.

Misty Springer


Misty Springer

Because a lot of times there's a difference between this is the work I'm called to do, and this is the work of becoming who I need to be to do the work that I'm called to do.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

Okay, wait, say that again.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

That again.

Misty Springer

There's a difference between, this is the work that I'm called to do.

Misty Springer

And this is who I need to become to do the work I'm called to do.

Misty Springer


Misty Springer

And that becoming process can take a while.

Misty Springer

All right, so that's first step awake to the truth of who you are.

Misty Springer

Turn the volume up on that first voice.

Misty Springer

The second step is turn down the volume on the second voice.

Misty Springer

We have to become aware of what's stopping us.

Misty Springer

Most of the time, we're not aware of what's getting in our way.

Misty Springer

We think it's.

Misty Springer

There's the technology issues.

Misty Springer

I'm just not technologically savvy.

Misty Springer

I don't know what to say.

Misty Springer

My kids need me.

Misty Springer

I'm too distracted.

Misty Springer

I don't.

Misty Springer

There's not enough of me to go around.

Misty Springer

That's what we think it is.

Misty Springer

We need to bring those brick walls, what I call your invisible brick walls, into awareness.

Misty Springer

We need to see what it is that's actually stopping you.

Misty Springer

Because if you're running into an invisible brick wall, what's the only thing that lets you know you're running into something?

Misty Springer

If it's invisible, you can't see it.

Misty Springer

What's the only way you know you're running into something?

Kristen Fields Chadwick

The pain of hitting it.

Misty Springer

Yes, exactly.

Misty Springer

Your head hurts, your nose hurts, and you're frustrated because you're not moving forward.

Kristen Fields Chadwick


Misty Springer

That's what lets you know you're running up against a limiting belief.

Misty Springer

Your results don't lie.

Misty Springer


Misty Springer

If you're not getting the results that you want, but you still feel like you're, like, running into.

Misty Springer

It's like I'm just.

Misty Springer

If I run hard enough, if I run fast enough, I'm just going to break through that brick wall.

Misty Springer

But we just end up feeling more frustrated, more pain, and our nose starts feeling broken.

Misty Springer

So what we look at is the pain is an opportunity to pay attention inside now.

Misty Springer

P a I nde.

Misty Springer

Pay attention inside now.

Misty Springer

That's what lets us know there's a limiting belief that's getting in the way.

Misty Springer

So when we can move through, see the invisible brick wall, bring it into awareness, then that's when we have the choice to go around it, over it, figure out a way to dig under it.

Misty Springer

But until we see the invisible brick wall, we're just going to keep running right into it.

Misty Springer

And the other thing that seeing the brick wall does for us is it allows us to have grace for ourselves, compassion for ourselves.

Misty Springer

Like, oh, this is why.

Misty Springer

Like, I thought it was just me.

Misty Springer

I thought I just didn't know what to do or didn't know.

Misty Springer

Didn't have what it takes.

Misty Springer

So that's the second step, is we become aware of the brick wall that's stopping us so that we can choose a new course of action and go around it.

Misty Springer

And then the third step, when we've tapped into the truth of who we are, when we've awakened to the truth of who we are, and then when we be brought into awareness and reframed the limiting beliefs that are stopping us, then we can move into aligned action.

Misty Springer

And aligned action is God's action.

Misty Springer

Just meeting with a client today, and she was talking about how the belief that was shifting for her is that it was possible for her to create what she wanted in the time that she had.

Misty Springer

We had been doing some work and she had been shifting that belief.

Misty Springer

And she said what was amazing was that she was actually following through.

Misty Springer

She had tried time blocking her time for years.

Misty Springer

It was a strategy that she had tried for years and never stuck with.

Misty Springer

She's like, I don't know.

Misty Springer

But in this last week, I started time blocking.

Misty Springer

And actually, I have kept every appointment I've made for myself.

Misty Springer

I've never done that before.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

That's impressive.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

Right, right.

Misty Springer

But it's because it was coming from an aligned place.

Misty Springer

If it feels like a strategy that I have to do, it feels like willpower and it feels like, oh, there's a million other things that are going to get in the way.

Misty Springer

There's all these distractions and excuses of why I can't do it.

Misty Springer

But because it felt like it was coming from an aligned place and she, that was the aligned strategy that she came up with between her and God that propelled her into action, from a place of decisiveness and energy and vibrancy that she had never felt before.

Misty Springer

And so she followed through.

Kristen Fields Chadwick


Kristen Fields Chadwick


Kristen Fields Chadwick

Oh, goodness.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

I'm thinking of so many different scenarios of this and how it could apply.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

I'm thinking of, I'm running a growth course, and this growth course has very tangible tasks to do.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

But something that I've always hesitated on and how I was taught how to grow a podcast was, there is willpower, like you're saying, and, and always coming back to this, I just didn't have this name for it, of that aligned.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

Like, what is it that God's calling you to do?

Kristen Fields Chadwick

It may not be a social media 72 hours window plug in.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

It might be something very specific that he's telling you to do that aligns with you.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

And that's the, uh, maybe disconnect of why you have not chosen to do it for so long, because it's not in alignment with how you present yourself to the world or your identity or your, I mean, because essentially that awaken to the truth of who you are.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

That is your identity.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

The awareness of like turning down what all of those extra feedback that's coming in and then that aligned action, I mean, it's all connected to who you are and who he has created you to be.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

Specifically, which sometimes strategy in this world of marketing and podcasting is, is not going to work.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

I call it the holy spirit override of like, yeah, it may work for a lot of people, but it may not be what he's called you to do, so.

Misty Springer


Kristen Fields Chadwick

Yeah, yeah.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

This is so good.

Kristen Fields Chadwick


Kristen Fields Chadwick

Anything else?

Kristen Fields Chadwick

With the aligned action, I think that.

Misty Springer

The way that you know that you're in aligned action is, it doesn't feel hard.

Misty Springer

My clients describe it as becoming different without having to remember to be different.

Misty Springer

Like, it's just who you are, it just flows from you.

Misty Springer

Now, it doesn't mean that there's not like you're, like, you're not bumping up against obstacles, but those obstacles.

Misty Springer

It's not like you're running up against the obstacle and you're like, well, guess that means turn around because that means I'm just going to truck off in a different direction.

Misty Springer

It's okay.

Misty Springer

Here's the obstacle.

Misty Springer

God thinks, who am I becoming as I walk over this obstacle?

Misty Springer

Who am I becoming?

Misty Springer

What's the confidence that I build in myself as I figure out a solution for getting through this obstacle?

Misty Springer

It's not about not taking action.

Misty Springer

It's just that the obstacles don't stop us.

Misty Springer

We just become something different in the process.

Misty Springer

The other thing that I will say, this just keeps coming to my mind, so I'll share it.

Misty Springer

I had a client that I worked with and she was a coach.

Misty Springer

She had a coaching business.

Misty Springer

She felt like it was her gift, her calling, what she wanted to share with the world.

Misty Springer

She had also recently gotten divorced and she needed to make an income that could support her for the first time in her life, she had to have a stable income that would support her.

Misty Springer

And she wasn't sure if she could create a sustainable coaching business and take care of herself.

Misty Springer

In the time that we worked together.

Misty Springer

She created a stable and stable enough income.

Misty Springer

She bought her own cardinal, she bought her first house.

Misty Springer

She built her successful coaching business.

Misty Springer

And this is the part that I think is so important, the end of our coaching together.

Misty Springer

She said, misty, I look at all of the results that I've created in my life and never once did you tell me what to do.

Kristen Fields Chadwick


Misty Springer


Misty Springer

Because it wasn't about me.

Misty Springer

It was about her co creating this desire with God that as she took action in faith, wake aware, align over and over and over again, she created exactly what she desired, but in the way that she wanted it.

Misty Springer

She didn't want this multimillion dollar business.

Misty Springer

She wanted to be with her grandkids.

Misty Springer

She wanted space to be a mom.

Misty Springer

She wanted space to just sit on her couch and read or garden.

Misty Springer

So God was like, okay, I'm going to show you how to do it in your way, in the way that feels aligned for you.

Misty Springer

Because if you try to just go out and follow the cookie cutter, it's going to feel overwhelming and it's going to feel like it's not a fit.

Misty Springer

So she designed what she wanted and created that with God and got everything she wanted.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

That's a beautiful example of how that could play out, especially with as many coaches that are listening to this.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

I'm sure you're resonating with that story of, I did all of the coaching certification and maybe you are hitting that invisible brick wall.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

Uh, and frustrated.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

I know for me personally, even last November, I hit a wall and was like, okay, here, here comes some work.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

I can feel it.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

I'm dropping in the, and like, we started at the very beginning.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

I think it's so important to stay aware and clear of what's happening in our voice and that first voice, like you said, um, because it's, it's over and over again, an opportunity for growing and it's going to affect every area of your life, not just podcasting.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

Yes, we're, we're specifically talking about podcasting or your business.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

Um, but I, I see this playing out in your relationships with others and with yourself, like, thinking about fitness and how that plays into fitness and limiting beliefs there and how we treat our bodies and our faith in all areas.

Kristen Fields Chadwick


Kristen Fields Chadwick

Oh, this is so good.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

I know there's going to be a lot of people, including myself, who are going to want to know more about these retreats that you lead with some other fabulous women.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

And can you share a little bit about that in case somebody wants to jump on board?

Misty Springer


Misty Springer

So you can find me on social mistyspringercoaching, or my website is

Misty Springer

and we do have a retreat, our first international retreat for faith aligned women, which that's the feedback that we continue to get.

Misty Springer

I've rundental multiple retreats, and some have been faith based and some have been not.

Misty Springer

And the last time we ran a retreat, it was for faith based entrepreneurs and the feedback that we got was, there is not enough of this.

Misty Springer

We are not having this conversation about bringing God into our business.

Misty Springer

I had one of the participants say, my faith is incredibly important to me.

Misty Springer

I've been a business owner for twelve years.

Misty Springer

I have never thought about praying about my business.

Misty Springer

She's like, I don't even know how I miss that.

Misty Springer

Like, I don't even know how I could have kept them separate.

Misty Springer

And that's not everyone's experience, but just that realization in and of itself.

Misty Springer

Like, yeah, sometimes it feels like bringing this business into the world is impossible.

Misty Springer

It feels like an impossible task.

Misty Springer

And we're promised with God, nothing is impossible.

Misty Springer

So why are we not bringing God into the creation of our business?

Kristen Fields Chadwick


Misty Springer

So that's what we're bringing faith based entrepreneurs together, making God a part of that.

Misty Springer

Walking through the awake, aware aligned process and co creating their vision for themselves and leading their life and their business with God as their guide.

Misty Springer

And that will be in Costa Rica, May 15 through the 19th.

Misty Springer

We are finalizing the landing page on that, but if there are any questions at all, I just.

Misty Springer

Even if you're like, just have something pricked in your brain and you're like, I don't know about this, I want to ask Misty about this.

Misty Springer

Please reach out.

Misty Springer

Like it's my.

Misty Springer

I absolutely love interacting with other faith based entrepreneur entrepreneurs.

Misty Springer

Like I said, we need a space to be able to talk about this.

Misty Springer

I also offer one on one coaching and the first initial consultation is absolutely free.

Misty Springer

It's where we look at what are your limiting beliefs?

Misty Springer

What are those invisible brick walls that you're running into?

Misty Springer

What is we start the process of, what is your true desire?

Misty Springer

What's holding you back from getting that?

Misty Springer

So even that is an opportunity just to explore what does this look like for me?

Misty Springer

This is all well and good as a concept and a theory, but what does this actually look like for me?

Misty Springer

So if they're wondering about that or have questions about the retreat, just message me.

Misty Springer

Go to my website.

Misty Springer

There's resources there.

Misty Springer

Get in contact.

Kristen Fields Chadwick


Kristen Fields Chadwick

I want to go to Costa Rica.

Misty Springer

That'd be amazing.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

Sign me up.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

All right, well, thank you so much, misty, for coming on and sharing your amazing heart centered wisdom.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

I so appreciate that as somebody who loves dropping, dropping from the head to the heart.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

And I just adored this conversation and it will stick with me for a long time.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

So thank you.

Misty Springer

You are so welcome.

Misty Springer

And thank you so much for the work that you're doing and just the voice that you are in the world and for sharing your voice, it matters.

Misty Springer

Matters a lot.

Misty Springer

Thank you.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

Thanks for listening today.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

Hey, I want you to know that there is an opportunity for you and I to connect.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

I would love to do that.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

Find a link below and we can schedule a one on one free 15 minutes consultation.

Kristen Fields Chadwick

I want to hear where are you in your podcasting journey and how can I help serve you and help you bring that kingdom impact dream into reality?

Misty Springer

Our channel.