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July 8, 2024

How to Start a Podcast Series: Step Seven: Podcast Launch Strategy [134]

How to Start a Podcast Series: Step Seven: Podcast Launch Strategy [134]

Welcome back to the ten-part series on starting your podcast. If you've been following along, you're already familiar with the foundational steps. In today’s episode Kristin is tackling the bones of the process: launching your podcast. Whether...

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Podcast Coaching for Female Entrepreneurs with Kristin Fields Chadwick

Welcome back to the ten-part series on starting your podcast. If you've been following along, you're already familiar with the foundational steps. In today’s episode Kristin is tackling the bones of the process: launching your podcast. Whether you're feeling overwhelmed or excited, Kristin is here to guide you through the critical aspects of developing a launch plan.


Her approach is both encouraging and practical, designed to make you feel at ease while planning your podcast launch.


Few key points from today’s episode:

  • The key to a smooth launch is preparation. Kristin emphasizes the importance of being well-prepared and having enough recordings batched to eliminate stress and panic around your podcast launch.
  • Developing a clear timeline and plan is crucial. Decide on your launch date and work backward, outlining each step you need to take.
  • Creating buzz around your podcast launch is essential. Kristin suggests telling friends, family, and followers about your upcoming launch, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone and using social media.
  • A great way to generate excitement is by releasing a podcast trailer. Encourage friends and family to leave reviews for your trailer on platforms like Apple Podcasts

Kristin’s mission is to help you feel prepared, positive, and confident about your podcast launch. She is here to cheer you on, encouraging you to use your voice and share your message with the world.


Remember, launching a podcast is a process but with a solid launch plan, effective marketing strategies, and a positive mindset, a successful podcast launch is within reach! 



Quotes from Today’s Episode

If you build it, they will come just doesn’t work with podcasting. - Kristin

You don’t know where to begin with a launch plan ? Schedule a free call with Kristin.

Are you looking for guidance or want to launch a podcast?

 Contact Kristin for Podcast Coaching

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