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Dec. 18, 2023

Invite Jesus Into Your Boat aka Your Podcast [105]

Invite Jesus Into Your Boat aka Your Podcast [105]

In podcasting, strategies and tactics are always evolving, but there's a timeless truth that often gets overlooked — the power of inviting Jesus into your boat. Kristin delves into the profound lessons from Luke Chapter 5, emphasizing the...

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Podcast Coaching for Female Entrepreneurs with Kristin Fields Chadwick

In podcasting, strategies and tactics are always evolving, but there's a timeless truth that often gets overlooked — the power of inviting Jesus into your boat. Kristin delves into the profound lessons from Luke Chapter 5, emphasizing the transformative power of inviting Jesus into your business and podcast.


Jesus sees you, not just in the grand moments but in the everyday grind—the times you hit 'record' despite feeling weary, the prayers whispered for those around you, even amidst the chaos of life's tantrums. It's a reminder that your efforts, seen and unseen, are acknowledged.


In today's episode, Kristin:

  • Highlights two key elements in the invitation — vision and strategy. If you've found yourself trying various approaches without success, this episode encourages you to reassess your vision.
  • Urges listeners to strategize with Jesus. Have you encountered obstacles and setbacks despite your efforts? The invitation is to listen and seek guidance.
  • By intertwining your vision with spiritual principles, you can navigate the challenges of podcasting and business with newfound clarity and purpose.
  •  Reminds listeners that it's an invitation to surrender your business or podcast to a higher purpose, acknowledging that your talents and gifts are not just yours but are meant to be used for the greater good.


As you press forward in your podcasting journey, remember that Jesus sees the work you're doing. Kristin's insights remind us that our work is seen, valued, and guided by a higher purpose. As you continue your journey, remember the power of vision, obedience, collaboration, and, most importantly, the transformative impact of inviting Jesus into your vessel.


Quotes from today’s episode: 

“Jesus knows the work you are doing”
“He sees how you press record even on the days you don’t feel like it”
“He sees you praying for the people that he has placed in your life”
“He sees you in the midst of a toddler tantrum”

Are you looking for guidance? Contact Kristin for Podcast Coaching

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