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Oct. 9, 2023

Options to Monetize Your Podcast [95]

Options to Monetize Your Podcast [95]

Podcasting has become an increasingly popular medium for sharing knowledge, telling stories, and building communities. However, it's crucial to understand that having a podcast is not a business plan.  Kristin unpacks this statement and explores...

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Podcast Coaching for Female Entrepreneurs with Kristin Fields Chadwick

Podcasting has become an increasingly popular medium for sharing knowledge, telling stories, and building communities. However, it's crucial to understand that having a podcast is not a business plan.  Kristin unpacks this statement and explores ways to monetize your podcast effectively. 


It's essential to recognize that merely pressing the record button does not guarantee instant income in the podcasting space. Your journey to monetization may take time and effort. 


In today’s episode, Kristin:

  • Reminds listeners that your podcast is not a standalone business; rather, it's a powerful tool to help your existing business grow or a platform to launch a new venture. Think of it as an avenue to foster the "know, like, trust" factor with your audience. 
  • Unpacks the importance of creating a content strategy that aligns with your business goals and consistently delivers value to your listeners. 
  • Encourages you to think of your podcast as an avenue to foster the "know, like, trust" factor with your audience. It serves as a funnel that allows people to connect with you on a deeper level, ultimately leading them to connect with your offers.
  • Teaches you ways to leverage your podcast's expertise to develop and sell online courses, webinars, or workshops. Your podcast can serve as a free sample of your knowledge, enticing listeners to invest in more comprehensive educational content.


Use your podcast as a powerful tool to connect with your audience and align it with your broader business goals. By doing so, you'll harness the true potential of podcasting, creating a win-win scenario where your podcast enriches your business, and your business enriches your podcast. Remember, while podcasting isn't a business plan in itself, it can be a pivotal component of your overall success strategy.

Quotes from Today’s Episode:

“Podcasting is a not a business plan”

“Hope is great, it keeps you going. However it’s a strategy” 

“Aligning your business goals with your podcast is key”

Are you looking for guidance? Contact Kristin for Podcast Coaching

Schedule a Discovery Call with Kristin to learn more: Book a time
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Learn about Podcast Bootcamp From Idea to Launch: Check it out

Wanting to monetize and grow your podcast? Learn more here. 

Have a question? Reach out to Kristin

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