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Feb. 14, 2024

Amphibians, Reptiles and Toad Patrols and Valentine Special Love in the wildlife world

Amphibians, Reptiles and Toad Patrols and Valentine Special Love in the wildlife world

On today’s action-packed Wildlife Matters Podcast, we are talking to Maiya from the Nottingham Amphibian and Reptile group, finding out about our native amphibians and reptiles and why toad patrols are so important.

And, of course, today is St Valentine’s Day, so Wildlife Matters looks into the bizarre world of courting and mating in wildlife around the world and discover what your partner may be saying with their Valentine's gifts.

Wildlife Matters thought that sharing some of the bizarre ways that wildlife attracts partners and the frankly, kinky ways some wildlife gets it on were worth a closer look at. So, let’s look, not in a Voyeuristic way, at some of the weird ways wildlife gets it on.

Wildlife Matters will return in two weeks when we speak to Deborah from Hedgepigs and learn much more about hedgehogs.

So, if you have enjoyed today's show, please subscribe and follow us on your podcast platform and social media. You will find Wildlife Matters Organisation on all the major SM platforms.


Nottinghamshire Amphibian and Reptile Group https://groups.arguk.org/nottsarg

Notts ARG Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/434602044011108/

One Voice for Animals  www.helpanimals.co.uk 

and please visit our website: www.wildlife-matters.org

you will find the Wildlife Matters Podcast on Apple, Spotify, Amazon, Google Podcasts and very soon on YouTube

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