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Nov. 23, 2022

Are Foxes Dangerous?

Are Foxes Dangerous?

In this first episode, we delve into the topic of whether or not foxes pose a threat to humans, which we previously discussed in our blog titled "Are Foxes Dangerous?" You can access the blog post through this link: https://wildlife-matters.org/002-are-foxes-dangerous/.

Furthermore, we shed light on the disturbing practice of breeding lions for hunting purposes. To learn more, you can read our blog post here: https://wildlife-matters.org/captive-lions-bred-for-the-bullet/.

We also provide a roundup of wildlife stories making headlines this week and offer a moment of relaxation with some of the best wildlife audio.

Although we have covered a lot in our first episode, we promise to bring you even more interesting facts in Episode 2 where we will defend the grey squirrel.