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Aug. 9, 2023

Grouse Shooting The Inglorious 12th

Grouse Shooting The Inglorious 12th

This week's Wildlife Matters Podcast takes us to the upland moors on The Inglorious 12th, the start of the Grouse Shooting season. Our feature story, 'Blood on the Moors,' delves into the complex relationship between this controversial sport and wildlife conservation.

In Wildlife Matters Investigates, we reveal the truth behind grouse shooting estates. We uncover the irony of these estates claiming large subsidies for conservation grants while they, in fact, contribute to the destruction of our native wildlife and landscapes. 

In this week's Nature News, we bring you the latest on the Avian Influenza pandemic. This devastating crisis is now not only affecting UK wild bird populations but has also been identified in mammals. Stay informed with our report this week.