Welcome to our new website!
Oct. 11, 2023

Wild Things! - A chat with Lucy Steele Founder of Wild Things Rescue

Wild Things! - A chat with Lucy Steele Founder of Wild Things Rescue

Welcome to Season 3 of the Wildlife Matters Podcast.

We are delighted to announce our new partnership to raise awareness of animal welfare in the UK with the fabulous folk at One Voice for Animals.

One Voice for Animals website is www.helpanimals.co.uk

We begin by speaking to the remarkable Lucy Steel, founder of Wild Things Rescue in Lincolnshire 

Wild Thing's website is www.wildthingsrescue.uk

We will be bringing you a range of interviews with founders and owners of independent animal rescues, both companion and wild animals, throughout Season 3

For more information on Wildlife Matters, Please visit our website, www.wildlife-matters.org, and if you have enjoyed the podcast, please leave us a review and share our posts on your social media.

You can also support our grassroots podcast by buying us a Kofi, joining our Patreon or donating via our website.

Whichever you choose, Thank you for helping our independent Podcast production to grow and spread awareness of the issues that face wildlife and nature and supporting our work to educate and bring a passion to everyone who loves wildlife, animals and nature.