Abby Chandler, Ph.D.

Abby Chandler, Ph.D. Profile Photo

Associate Professor of Early American History | University of Massachusetts Lowell.

Abby Chandler is Associate Professor of Early American History at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. She has published articles on eighteenth-century political movements in British North America in Early American Studies, Protest in the Long Eighteenth Century, and the North Carolina Historical Review. She also serves on the 250th American Revolution Anniversary Commission in Massachusetts.

Sept. 13, 2024

Episode 10: The Stamp

In the mid-1760s, British fears that a new war with France was only a matter of time leads King George III and his ministers to draw up plans for a permanent army in North America, and a Stamp Tax on the colonies to pay for …
July 27, 2024

Episode 9: The Sugar

In the 1760s, Jamaica and the islands of the British Caribbean were the crown jewels of Britain's American Empire. And as King George III's ministers searched for solutions to a vexing imperial puzzle and moved to a counter …