Matthew Dziennik, Ph.D.

Matthew Dziennik, Ph.D. Profile Photo

Professor of History | United States Naval Academy

Matthew Dziennik is an historian of the eighteenth-century British Empire and received his PhD from the University of Edinburgh in 2011. He is the author of The Fatal Land: War, Empire, and the Highland Soldier in British America (Yale University Press, 2015) as well as over 20 articles and chapters on the history of the Scottish Highlands and the wider history of Britain's global expansion. His current project explores the recruitment of Indigenous peoples into the ranks of the British military in the Age of Revolutions.

March 23, 2024

Episode 6: The Proclamation

Against the backdrop of Pontiac's War in North America, George III's ministers in London draw on lessons learned in colonial Nova Scotia to begin drafting a blueprint for transforming British America into an empire of order.…
Nov. 14, 2023

Episode 3: The Triumph

Following three years of stinging defeats in the Seven Years' War, the British begin to turn the tide against the French in North America in no small measure because Indigenous peoples decided the war should end.  Featuring:…