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Feb. 8, 2022

Why We're Compelled to Search for Purpose

Why We're Compelled to Search for Purpose

It’s no coincidence that people are drawn to purpose. It’s a way to connect ourselves to the world. The world has never been more engaged in chasing after this hot topic to find meaning for our lives and build value for our communities and...

It’s no coincidence that people are drawn to purpose. It’s a way to connect ourselves to the world. The world has never been more engaged in chasing after this hot topic to find meaning for our lives and build value for our communities and businesses.   Lisa unpacks her discoveries about purpose in this introductory episode. 

You’ll discover:

  • Four ignition points that spark the desire to find purpose
  • Why finding purpose isn’t so easy
  • Why knowing "who you are" helps you find your purpose
  • How to go about finding your purpose
  • The benefits to discovering your purpose 

Book mention: Man's Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl.

Lisa's free resource: “The Essential Guide to Start Telling Your Story”  to help you begin to discover who you are.


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