Your FIRST $100K Business Podcast, The #1 Podcast on iTunes for FIRST $100K Entrepreneurs!
Vickie Gould
Storytelling, Marketing & Book Coach
"When you choose the goal, you choose the journey (and work) that goes with it."
Top 3 Tips/Strategies:
★ Create a drop-dead date for your goal
★ Ask, "How do I want this to help my reader (me)?"
★ Write stories that evoke emotions
Apple | Stitcher | iHeart
1) 5 Minute Strategy: Obliterate STRESS & WORRY in 5 minutes or less!
2) Control Freak Clarity Call: Go 1-on-1 with JW & you’ll discover what's been holding you back from playing all out in less than an hour!
3) Control Freak Bootcamp: Finally, learn how to let go of your "Little Control Freak" and start winning BIG in your life!