News on COVID and the world in general plus some opinions and commentary on world events. Tonight we cover COVID Delta and B.1.621, Bitcoin's rebound, getting workers back to the office and Afghanistan. Of course I mention Mexico and how …
This is a remake of a remote show resulting from some travel changes, and to correct a confusingly worded COVID-Delta comment. Hope you enjoy this brief overview of the current COVID updates and a sprinkling of world news. Thanks for …
News on COVID and just the world in general including world politics, technology and more from a Baby Boomer’s point of view. Thanks as always for visiting!!
Live from Podcast Movement in Nashville!
News on COVID and some world news highlights and just the world in general from a Baby Boomer’s point of view. Thanks as always for visiting
News on COVID and some world news highlights and just the world in general from a Baby Boomer’s point of view. Thanks as always for visiting!!
News on COVID and some business highlights, business and money market news, and just the world in general from a Baby Boomer’s point of view. Thanks as always for visiting!!
News on COVID and some business highlights, tidbits on dealing with the weather in the Northeast, liquor spiked ice cream for the heat, and just the world in general Thanks as always for visiting!!
News on COVID and some business highlights, some more on the ethics of fetal cell lines and vaccines, semiconductor shortages expand, and just the world in general Thanks as always for visiting!!
News on COVID and a new vaccine targeting low and middle income nations, whether the material used in COVID vaccines is ethical, some interesting laws being consider to break up and limit the largest US tech companies, the employment trend …
Back to more general news but still covering the US’ part in helping the world recover from COVID and move forward with more unity. Also a mention of a potential new treatment for Alzheimer’s just approved by the FDA, a …
Welcome to the 7EveryMinute Live with more COVID news, business updates a bit on moving to Mexico and some personal introspection. A little of everything for Baby Boomers and those who are just interested
Welcome to the 7EveryMinute Live with more COVID news, business updates a bit on moving to Mexico and some personal introspection. A little of everything for Baby Boomers and those who are just interested
Welcome to the 7EveryMinute Live with more COVID news, business updates and more on moving to Mexico and retirement. A little of everything for Baby Boomers and those who are just interested
Welcome to the 7EveryMinute Live with move COVID news, a business updated and more on moving to Mexico. A little of everything for Baby Boomers and those who are just interested
News and views by, for and about Baby Boomers and anyone open to a slightly different point of view
News and thoughts by, for and about Baby Boomers.
Welcome to the 7EveryMinute Live with another brierf version tonight of some COVID news, a smidge of business and general news, and more on moving to Mexico. A little of everything for Baby Boomers and those who are just interested
Welcome to the 7EveryMinute Live with a short version tonight of some COVID news, a smidge of business and general news, some personal introspection, and an update on moving to Mexico. A little of everything for Baby Boomers and those …
Welcome to the 7EveryMinute Live with some COVID news, a smidge of business and general news, some personal introspection, and discussion about possibly moving to Mexico. A little of everything for Baby Boomers and those who are just interested
Welcome to the 7EveryMinute Live with stories related to COVID, some personal introspection, perhaps moving to Mexico and a bit of news this evening. A little of everything for Baby Boomers and those who are just interested
Welcome to the 7EveryMinute Live with stories related to COVID, more personal introspection, and a bit of news this evening. A little of everything for Baby Boomers and those who are just interested