This podcast is for seekers looking to improve themselves and the world.


July 1, 2021

#34 - Either Way We're Going To Die

Fulfilled or Sad? Either way we're going to die. Time doesn't care, do you? Now that I turned fifty I care a WHOLE lot more. Check out my blogs and books at Support the Show. (

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June 23, 2021

#33 - Interview with Public Defender and Author Reyna Gentin

For many years Reyna practiced as an appellate court attorney with New York State's public defender's office before turning to writing full time. Her debut novel, UNREASONABLE DOUBTS, was named a finalist for the Women's Fiction Writers Association Star Award in 2019. Her first novel for children, MY NAME IS…

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June 17, 2021

#32 - Couch Credits

A short and sweet nugget today. Did you earn that drink after work? Do you escape from the day and stress with dessert, pizza, alcohol or drugs? Have you moved your life and dreams forward first? Well, we've got to earn that drink and escape with couch credits. Listen why.…

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June 9, 2021

#31 - Inspiring Conversation with Action Hero John Davis

John Davis is one of a kind. He broke his back while helping a friend. A doctor told him that he would be paralyzed for the rest of his life. Learn how John healed himself and went on to become a stunt man and comedian as he traveled with the…

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May 26, 2021

#30 - Gotta Gotta Gotta!

Is your life out of control? Is your plate full? Do you need a platter or a table instead to pile it all on? Is time running away from you? We can change things. We can change ourselves. Support the Show. (

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April 20, 2021

#29 - Transformational Speaker and Writer Robert Belle and I dive into Creativity

Robert and I dive into the subject of Creativity, where it gets lost in the day to day and how to reclaim it. Robert Belle is a transformational speaker and mentor. He helps people who feel stuck in their career or life journey to break away from the “norm” and…

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April 14, 2021

A reading from my upcoming novel - Love in a Dying Town

What would you sacrifice for your child? Dreams? Ambitions? Everything? Jim Bowen is a single father who struggles with his ex-wife. He still loves her and wants it to work but her toxic personality is devastating to their sweet seven-year-old daughter, Lily. His grand ambitions of being an architect and…

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April 14, 2021

#28 - A reading from my upcoming novel - Love in a Dying Town

What would you sacrifice for your child? Dreams? Ambitions? Everything? Jim Bowen is a single father who struggles with his ex-wife. He still loves her and wants it to work but her toxic personality is devastating to their sweet seven-year-old daughter, Lily. His grand ambitions of being an architect and…

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April 7, 2021

#27 - Interview with writer and educator Karl Beckstrand

My interview with Karl ranges from the 28th children's book he's written, many of them address lapses in our education system, childhood development, and to him being a media professor in a state college. We discuss his book Grow about our foods and where they come from. We also discuss…

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March 24, 2021

#26 - Picking up the Garbage

We tried ignoring it as we walked along the inlet. But there was so much. What else do we try ignoring as we walk along in life? We are part of the problem and part of the solution. We also try ignoring the garbage within us that follows us every…

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March 10, 2021

#25 - Why I Wrote Narican

I wasn't going to do this but I woke inspired this morning. There is a light and darkness we all grapple with, but there is a deeper truth and a higher self we aspire to. Reuben the protagonist is lost going through his days while his alter-ego Claremone is fighting…

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March 3, 2021

#24 - Interview with filmmaker and writer Daniel Hess

Daniel and I discuss how he got into making films, his production company totonyproductions, a production company that was created for and dedicated to his cousin and best friend Anthony, who had died of Cystic Fibrosis. We discuss topics ranging from why Americans want films to end with a happy…

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Feb. 17, 2021

#23 - What Are We Doing?

Are we bringing our bile or are we bringing our best? check out more of my work at Support the Show. (

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Dec. 22, 2020

#22- Purging The Demons So That We May Live

Are you writing or are your demons stopping you? Are you living your best life or are the demons filling your life with destructive thinking? Let's purge the demons so that we may live as we were intended. Support the Show. (

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Dec. 15, 2020

#21 - Fear or Freedom

Are you living the life of your dreams or stuck in the pains of the past? Have you ever felt at odds with yourself? There is more than meets the eye. Support the Show. (

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Dec. 7, 2020

#20 - Grappling with the Light

In the last podcast we discussed grappling with the darkness. This time it's the light. But why would you need to grapple with light? There are two sides of the same coin that must be dealt with. Support the Show. (

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Nov. 30, 2020

#19 - Grappling with the Darkness

Does the past wear you down? Do you feel stuck wanting more? It's time to let go of the unwanted. Support the Show. (

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Oct. 7, 2020

#18 - What Are You Plugged into?

What friends, thoughts, beliefs are you plugged into? Do they free you or condemn you? Let's dive deeper into this. Support the Show. (

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Sept. 30, 2020

#17 - Write What You Know. Well, What Do You Know?

Writers are often told to write what they know. Essentially, stay in your lane. But that's ridiculous and the well is soon empty. So, what do you know? Support the Show. (

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Sept. 23, 2020

#16 - A Truth Deep Within

Are you living a truth deep within or hiding from it? The time is now to decide where your life is heading. check out my works at Support the Show. (

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Sept. 9, 2020

#15- Truth Seeking

Are you a truth seeker? Writers and artists are truth seekers. Often from great suffering we want to learn how life works. The Whys. The Hows. We want to explore the truths of humanity and bring it into the light turning fact into fiction. The facts get built into the…

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Aug. 23, 2020

#14 - The Big Doing

It isn't what you might think. It's about doing the task at hand when you feel low and disinterested. It's not about leaping tall buildings but keeping the momentum going placing one foot in front of the other. You might leap over a metaphoric building once in a while. But…

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Aug. 19, 2020

Reading Series #1- Unhappy Campers Part 2

Listen to the dramatic conclusion. Innocence may be lost as a campground gets stirred up when a young deer is chased by dogs forcing people to make tough decisions and to look at themselves and their choices. Will the deer live or die? Find out. From my short story book…

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Aug. 17, 2020

Reading Series- #1- Unhappy Campers Part 1

Innocence may be lost as a campground gets stirred up when a young deer is chased by dogs forcing people to make tough decisions and to look at themselves and their choices. Will the deer live or die? From my short story book Leaves Piled High Support the Show.…

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