Three Pourquoi stories, two of which come from the Kogi people
A family is getting together celebrate the holiday.
Everyone has their secrets and honey is this a good one.
Love will make a person do things they never thought possible.
Baptiste and Camille have just experienced a horrible situation involving a monster.
Velina loves her new friend and would do anything for him as he would for her.
We meet an ant with a hard task, a Saint giving blessings, and a monkey woman looking for love.
Although she was told not her adventurous nature takes her outside the gate.
Lena claims her husband must be perfect in every way
Today we find ourselves in South Carolina at a place once known as Cofitachequi
Clara does not wish to stay on the farm and knows the underground is her way to freedom.
Today we head to Kentucky where we meet a significant man name Arnold Gragston.
Today we head to Galveston the place Juneteenth originated to meet Nehemiah an enslaved man.
Today we head to New Orleans for an interesting story about Ol’ John.
Today we head to Florida and meet a couple of men that like to boast and brag and play pranks on each other.
Today we head to Haiti and meet a famous man named Jean Britisse.