Are podcasts getting boring? The same format with the same "inspirational" story? Stories are awesome unless they are as predictable as an AC/DC song. Is it true, or does Dave just need a nap? JOIN THE SCHOOL OF PODCASTING Join the School of Podcasting worry-free using the coupon code "…
Please enjoy this completely AI generated opening: Hey there, podcast enthusiasts! It's me, Dave Jackson, your trusted Podcast Coach, and I'm super excited to welcome you back to another fascinating episode you won't want to miss. I've teamed up with the incredible Rob Greenlee (from the New Media Show) to…
On this week's episode of Ask the Podcast Coach, as we take a deep dive into a plethora of podcasting topics, technical challenges, personal anecdotes, and industry insights. Together, we navigate issues such as monetization strategies, engaging with guests, handling sensitive content, and much more. Tune in as we explore…
I put out a short yesterday that got 2000+ views where my videos get around 200 views (that is 6% of my 3000 subscribers). This did result in 2 people subscribing to my show (so .1% growth). Then I dug in a bit deeper and saw how far they watched…
I love to play the guitar, but (for whatever reason) teaching people how to play gets on my nerves. So when you start a podcast and you love it, remember you are doing it on YOUR schedule with no real pressure. Are you sure you want to turn it into…
Elgato So often podcasters think, "If I just had this piece of gear my audience would grow, and 90% of the time unless your video looks horrible, or you sound bad, it's not the tech. I caught myself going down the gear rabbit hole and realized if I changed my…
Editing is a subjective art form that often includes the words, "It depends" when explaining how to do it. Today we start off with Ralph From who shares somewhat of a nightmare he ran into when he let AI do ALL the editing. I also say AI instead of…
If you are a person who is struggling to find the motivation to keep your podcast going, you might try the five whys strategy. Today I demonstrate this with weight loss, and then tie it into podcasting. By identifying your why, you find the motivation to keep going. You can…
Today we start off with someone who got blackmailed by a podcast promoter. JOIN THE SCHOOL OF PODCASTING Join the School of Podcasting worry-free using the coupon code " coach " and save 20%. Your podcast will have you sounding confident, sound great (buying the best equipment for your budget),…
In today's episode, Jim and Dave delve into a wide array of podcasting topics, including finding a quiet place to record, balancing podcasting with other hobbies and life, and the challenges of managing communities. They also discuss technical issues, content creation strategies, and the potential impact of AI-generated content on…
In this episode, I answer a question I saw in a Facebook group and share a story about where your podcast can get you in trouble. I've seen people lose their jobs, and cause serious issues with family, friends, and co-workers. Mentioned in This Episode School of Podcasting Building…
I interviewed the maker of Podgagement Daniel J. Lewis on episode 910 of the School of Podcasting I've known Daniel for many years and have been a co-host on the Podcasters Roundtable with him and now co-host the Future of Podcasting. Daniel is a giant data junkie. But he's…
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I see people all the time ask about thei podcast media host on social media. That's like me asking someone from Ohio what the weather is like in Nebraska. I see A LOT OF wrong answers online. The BEST and FASTEST way to get your answer is to contact your…
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Someone asked "How do you boost retention percentage?" (you see this in ) so we talk about that today, as we also take a look at how Ask the Podcast Coach wrapped up in 2023. JOIN THE SCHOOL OF PODCASTING Join the School of Podcasting worry-free using the coupon…
In this episode of "Ask the Podcast Coach," Dave Jackson reveals a secret that has been giving him endless fun during podcast recordings. He recently acquired a Stream Deck, a powerful device that allows him to assign different functions to buttons, making his podcasting experience more automated and enjoyable. When…
You never know what you're going to get when we start a show with a live audience. We are rounding out the end of the year and start talking about cleaning up things for 2024, while eye-balling black Friday specials. JOIN THE SCHOOL OF PODCASTING Join the School of Podcasting…
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