It takes a lot of courage to stop and to look at what's driving us. It takes even greater courage to look at what's so uncomfortable that I need to distract and busy myself. But do we also stop and think about who actually holds us? Have a listen to…
Can we recognise our need for rest and to cut back on our pace? Sometimes, all we need is to be able to stop and say, "Yes, I am tired". In this episode, Edwina and I discuss what we can do to be aware of our need to cut back…
Many of us often lean in to the culture of hurriedness. How often do we hurry in so many aspects of our lives? In the this episode, Edwina and I talk about how hurried our lives are and what we can do to be more aware and move at a…
The issue isn't about denigrating human cleverness or wisdom in contrast to God's wisdom. It's about how how to use both - because both honour God. For more content like this, visit my Website: IG: FB: Podcast:
In this episode I speak with soul guide and companion Edwina Yeow of Anam Cara Ministries about pace in the interior journey. We share our own experiences of the struggle to slow down, breaking through the compartmentalisation between sacred and secular, and soaking in God's love instead of striving to…
Do you feel safe with yourself? We need to learn to be attentive and present to what's going on inside of ourselves, to let our inner-self feel cared for. Our relationship with ourself deepens our relationship with God. Find out more - now on Episode 68 of the Becoming Me…
The whole journey to discover and discern our personal vocation isn't just about figuring out what we are called to do. It is about figuring out who we are, who God says we are, and to be able to accept it. Not just accept it, but celebrate it. Find out…
Do we have the right tools to ask big questions about Personal Vocation? Do you feel anxious thinking about your personal calling and the discernment process? When we are secure in who we are, we experience God accompanying us, and we experience ourselves accompanying ourselves - there is no annxiety,…
We all avoid pain, yet it is precisely because of our desire to be rid of pain that we seek healing and wholeness. In the interior journey of integration, pain is often God's "loud hailer" and what sets us and keeps us on the interior journey into authenticity. For more…
Are we able to experience ourselves accompanying ourselves? Do I know how to accompany myself lovingly, patiently? Most people haven't thought about a relationship with ourselves. Much of God's love comes through to us, through our own relationships with ourself. Listen more, now on Episode 68 of the Becoming Me…
Does it matter what our calling or personal vocation is, if we aren't rooted in our own identities? Our call can only be realised when we are more whole, integrated, and when we dare to be ourselves unapologetically. We can only begin to participate in God's work of redemption and…
Wanting our lives to be different and being ready to make that happen are very different things. Nothing moves until we are ready. And we need to be loved before we can be ready. #interiorjourney #readiness #move #change #unconditional #selflove For more content like this, visit my Website: IG:…
In what way do we consider the stakes of discerning personal vocation? Are we afraid? Sometimes, it is possible that we have anxiety and fear when we are subconsciously not confident of God's absolute, complete and unconditional love for us. Find out how this can impede our ability to discern…
Is personal vocation really just about "doing"? On this journey towards authenticity and wholeness, we often talk about having a strong sense of who we are. It is this awareness of who we are that is so important in discerning personal vocation. Listen to the full episode: Website: Spotify:…
This episode is a special Instagram Live recording I did earlier this year. It documents milestones and key moments in my own interior journey into discerning and living out my personal vocation. Listen to Episode 67 now to hear my story. Listen to the full episode: Website: Spotify:…
Have you ever been told that focusing too much on discerning your gifts is selfish? In this video I address the objection that choosing to focus our serving in the areas God has gifted us in is not true service, and that rather we should focus on serving “where the…
How do I integrate all the different aspects of myself as a whole person, while being true to my identity as a child of God? It is often terrifying to have to let go of the persona that I've been building over so many years, so that I can become…
Are we able to die to our older identities? God's call is constantly changing and He only shows us what's the next step. Sometimes that next step can be so hard to take when it requires us to die to a previous identity, who we may have known ourselves to…
What does it mean to discern personal vocation? Sometimes, it can mean obeying a prompting despite uncertainty. Discernment is only always about the next step, which can be hard to take when it requires us to die to a previous identity or persona. Listen to the full episode: Website:…
Authenticity means having the courage and love to be ourselves even when we are misunderstood and rejected by others - including those important to us. That’s why authenticity is HARD. In this video I share about how the nature of expectations that shackle us can shift through different seasons and…
What is it like to actively discern one's personal vocation and take the steps to follow that discernment in real life? This is a special episode of a live recording, in which I trace the milestones and turning points of my own journey into becoming a truer version of myself.…
One of the ways we make it harder for one another to be authentic is the practice so many of us have of putting people on pedestals. When we publicly praise individuals, couples or tell children/young people how wonderful their parents are, we could be making it harder for them…
Can you let God meet you where you REALLY are this Lent? Will you allow yourself to not DO anything for Lent if you are overwhelmed? What might an authentic Lent of interior integration look like for you? #lent #ashwednesday #authentic #interiorintegration #interiorjourney For more content like this, visit my…