In this compelling episode of "Beyond the Bite," host Eddie Aldrete welcomes Precinct 3 Bexar County Commissioner Grant Moody, who recently completed his first year in office. Moody reflects on his tenure, discussing his successful advocacy for a 2...
In this groundbreaking episode of Beyond the Bite, host Eddie Aldrete welcomes the visionary Jim Perschbach, President and CEO of Port San Antonio. Together, they explore the transformative journey of a former air force base into a booming tech inn...
As a legislator, mayor and county judge, Nelson Wolff learned a lot along his journey and shares his successes as well as his failures and mistakes.From the creation of The Alamo Promise and the successful courtship of Toyota, he continues …
In this insightful episode of Beyond the Bite, City Council members Marina Alderete-Gavito and Marc Whyte come together to discuss pressing issues facing San Antonio. Their conversation dives deep into the inefficiencies in government operations, p...
In this episode of 'Beyond the Bite', Eddie Aldrete hosts Leanne King, Anamaria Suescan-Fast, and Larry Mendez to discuss the evolving landscape of office spaces and remote work, along with the challenges and opportunities for employers. They revie...
In this episode of Beyond the Bite, host Eddie Aldrete is in conversation with Jeff Webster, the newly appointed CEO of the Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce, and Katie Harvey, the outgoing board chair who spearheaded the CEO selection …
In today's episode, we sit down with San Antonio River Authority board candidate Liza Gonzalez Barratachea, who will take us on a journey through the role and purpose of the River Authority in managing water resources, and the need for …
In this episode, we continue our conversation with award-winning Washington Post journalist, Arelis Hernandez who discusses her coverage of the tragedy in Uvalde, Texas. Hernandez shares her firsthand experience of receiving the news, rushing to th...
In part one of this two-part episode of Beyond the Bite, we dive into the fascinating journey of Arelis Hernandez, a San Antonio-based journalist with The Washington Post who covers South Texas politics as well as immigration and border-related iss...
Managing a utility isn't easy, and when you throw in a once in a hundred year winter storm, record breaking heat waves, pandemic supply chain backlogs, inflation, and supply and demand lines that come close to crossing too often, well …
Texas House Bill 2127 is officially called the “Texas Regulatory Consistency Act,” but others know it as the “Stay In Your Lane Bill,” and even the “Death Star Bill.” But as of September 1, 2023, everyone will have to call …
The budget proposed by City Manager Erik Walsh is revealing in its response to resident needs and concerns. It will put more cops on the streets, work harder and smarter to shelter the homeless, and it identifies the massive expansion …
There is a new political player in town and their members’ goal is to elect people to the San Antonio City Council who have a shared, community vision, not a political ideology. They call themselves a Coalition of the Willing …
As chairman of the US House Budget Committee, West Texas Congressman Jodey Arrington spends a lot of his time trying to convince his colleagues to stop spending money we don’t have. In this episode he talks about his love for …
Former Congressman Will Hurd jumps into the presidential race. He says this country needs a “reboot,” we need solid leadership, and says Americans need to move on from Donald Trump. The former CIA Director also says we need to fear …
This episode analyzes who won the runoff elections for San Antonio City Council districts 1 and 7, and why and how they won. Additionally, we ask newly sworn in city councilman Marc Whyte and runoff winners Marina Alderete Ga...
Ever wondered why Congress can’t fix our broken immigration issue? Perhaps it suits them better to use it as a political piñata. In this episode, there will be no talk of Title 42 or the border surge. This episode is …
Successful cybersecurity entrepreneur John Dickson talks about his hopes and fears in our abilities to protect ourselves, what the new airport expansion will bring, and his thoughts on the relevancy of chambers of commerce. L...
A look at who won, who lost, and who wound up in the June 10th runoff election. We also talk about the defeat of Proposition A, what lies ahead for the new City Council, and who the likely candidates are …
Congressman Tony Gonzales is on a mission to protect his constituents from the fentanyl coming across the border, he is working to help the people of Uvalde heal, and he is helping presidential candidates see the border up cl...
With the recent failed merger attempt between the San Antonio Chamber and the North San Antonio Chamber, we pull back to the 30,000 foot level and ask the broad question of what role should a chamber play in San Antonio, …
Louis Barrios was born into a life of service. He serves his creator, his family, his community and his customers. His work ethic is both inspiring and infectious, and he has worked alongside his sister Diana to build the L...
This episode delves into the pitfalls, dangers and unintended consequences of Proposition A, and lessons learned from Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, San Francisco, Chicago and Austin. The more people learn about how Prop A incent...
Beyond the Bite is a podcast hosted by Eddie Aldrete that explores the stories behind the business community of San Antonio and South Texas. Eddie interviews job creators, business leaders, and community pillars, offering uni...