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Grounded in TRUTH!
This podcast has been so helpful for me in my struggle with disordered eating and body image, and finding my true identity in Christ. Heather speaks the truth without compromise and always brings us back to what God’s Word says which is so important. In this culture that values the opposite of what God values, it is SO IMPORTANT that we find truth in the Word and not the world! Thank you Heather for being so real and relatable, bringing us encouragement and support for our journeys. It is so refreshing to know I’m not alone. I really appreciate this podcast and all that I have learned from you. You are truly being used by the Lord to help other women fight the enemy’s lies and bring us back to our true worth in Jesus!

This Podcast Saved my Life!
I found Heathers Podcast one night as I was in despair over a 42 year long eating disorder. Compared to Who was my first step into body image freedom and recovery. This is a must podcast for anyone struggling with body image issues. I praise God that He is using Heather as His servant to spread the truth surrounding body image! Heathers 40-day Body Image Workbook is a great tool too along with her 40-Day Challenge.

Authentic, Real and Life Saving!
Heather and her guests speak from the heart and are truly authentic and real! Biblically based and completely life applicable. I am so grateful I came across this show, I back listened to every episode Atleast once in the past 3 months. Many episodes I have listened to several times. This show has given me hope for the first time that I can truly break free and recover completely from body image issues and a 40+ year eating disorder. I am so grateful for Heather and guests for speaking the truth of God over the lies of Satan. Thank you Heather and all your podcast guests. I will be forever grateful!

Love these podcasts!
I can’t say enough about how Heather has helped me move forward in my journey to Body Image freedom. She does a fantastic job supporting her messages with scripture and God’s perspective with regard to our bodies. Every podcast is packed with great information and her guests are so helpful with many topics like intuitive eating and sharing their expertise with the listeners. So go listen! You can stop comparing and start living now!

I love her!
I love this podcast, to me this feels like a big sister who is just talking to me :’) i absolutely love listening and can feel her genuine tone coming through. Absolutely love it here

Truly eye opening
Every episode I listen to has something in it that blows my mind. God has opened my eyes, through Heather’s ministry, to an issue that I didn’t know how to name for myself. Understanding that my obsession with weight and image is a form of idolatry is leading me in a completely different direction to address my lifelong struggle that I know is more glorifying to God. I am so grateful for your humility and transparency and obedience to God’s calling on your life, Heather.

Great podcast
As one who struggles with comparisons and a mother of a daughter who struggles with an eating disorder find her podcast refreshing and helpful. She is well informed and transparent and a joy to listen to.

Thank you!
My friend recommended this podcast to help me heal my body image after leaving my health MLM. I’ve listened to a few episodes already and I can already feel a difference in how I’m speaking to myself as I am reminded that God’s love isn’t contingent on the number on the scale!! Thank you so much for sharing and helping me start to heal my heart and mind.

Nothing but Love!
I literally love this podcast! Each episode is like you are talking with your best friend! Real topics are covered with grace and compassion… fantastic advice… motivation to just keep at it!

So glad I found You!
I love this podcast. So encouraging and challenging at the same time. As a woman who went on my first diet at 9 and am now in my 50’s, this has definitely been a lifelong battle. I know God loves me, but I always thought He would love me more if I could get this part of my life under control. This podcast has helped me unwind some long held very limiting beliefs. Thank you, Heather and all your wonderful guests!

Refreshingly honest
It was like listening to my own thoughts and struggles. Highly recommend!

I am so thankful for Heather’s insights, teachings and this supportive community! God is using these podcasts to transform my thoughts little by little. I’m not yet where I want to be but thank God I'm not where I used to be!

So helpful!
Practical and biblical advice! I love when I can listen to a podcast and immediately put it to use. Heather is authentic and real, and covers much needed topics for women. I am a mom of daughters, and love learning things that will help me as a woman, wife, and mom. Thank you, Heather!

Real and relevant help
Heather’s podcast has been such a gift in my journey to finding freedom from lifelong body image issues. So many times I feel that God is using her words to speak truth directly to me. I recommend this podcast to any woman because I think we all wrestle with distorted views of health and our bodies. Thank you, Heather, for your bravery in taking on tough topics.

Truth, grace, and compassion
Wow, Heather does such an incredible job of providing truth in love and grace. She is not afraid to hit big topics and reveal a path for us as listeners to partner with God and continue to make progress in our health and our perspective of ourselves. What a gift!!

Life changing podcast !
I struggle so much with body image, it takes a lot out of me and I’ve tried so many things to fix it, read books, positive affirmations, etc but nothing has helped me as much as this podcast. Heather really dissects the issues we face each day with body image as opposed to just staying at the surface level. I am so thankful God led me to this podcast!

Such hope
I have been listening to Heather’s podcast for a year or so now, and I love her content it gives me such hope that there is freedom from body image issues through Christ. I also love Heather’s voice and she is great at carrying this message in an eloquent way.

So encouraging
This podcast is such an encouragement and a gentle tool God has used to hold me accountable when my body image shaming voice gets too loud: I highly encourage any Christian women who has struggled with comparison or expectations around how they look to listen to this and share it with a friend!

Real help to overcome body image struggles
Heather has a passion to help women learn that the real path to contentment has nothing to do with our body size or image in the mirror. It has everything to do with understanding God’s love for us and the peace we can truly experience when we are settled in His embrace.

Awesome podcast
I found Heather when I heard her on the Intuitive Eating for Christian Women podcast. I really enjoyed listening to her and quickly found her podcast which has become my favorite. Hearing anti diet information from a Christian perspective has been so helpful to me in overcoming years of disordered eating. Thank you for doing this wonderful podcast!

Love this podcast
I have learned and grown so much from listening to Heather. The information and research that goes into each episode is so thorough. I have been led away from body image issues thanks to Heather’s teaching.

Love your podcast, Heather!
Thank you, Heather, for all the content you offer to your listeners. I love your authenticity and humor, and I have learned so much from your podcast and from the people you interview. There’s so much value in everything you do. God is using you in big ways. Thank you so much.

Thank you Heather 🤗
This podcast changed my whole mindset and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your story and advice here with Jesus as the focal point, I’m seeing that this has been a heart issue and a result of the way our world and the Lord is working in my heart to reveal the truth through your podcast 🙏🏻 thank you for your faithfulness and speaking life into and over us!

Two Amazing Women
Heather and Amy-you did it again. Another awesome podcast! “With God”-that is exactly what you have taught me. My relationship with God has grown exponentially these last 18 months. Seeing His love for me in a whole new way. Keep doing what you are doing…leading women to be with God, living their lives in His true freedom!💖

Break through and freedom
Please check out my amazing friends podcast if you struggle with your body image! Heather Creekmore this podcast was honest, down to earth, and straight forward! Thank you for sharing about the spiritual warfare that exists around our body image and identity!

Love Heather’s Teaching!
Heather always gives thought provoking content in an easy to understand way. I so appreciate the work you’re doing.

I didn’t believe I could ever have peace
I have been a Christian almost 50 years and have never realized that body image can be an idol. I can’t get enough of these lessons. They are so liberating. I can remember begging the Lord to help me stop shaming myself and constantly thinking about the numbers and diet while at the same time believing that I was wearing my sin on my body for everyone to see. My mind is more at peace now than I ever remember. Thank you God, and Heather!

So much good stuff!
I have struggled with body image and my eating for over 20 years. Heather’s podcast has helped me immensely as I sort through what I thought was truth and what is God’s truth. Even if you think you’ve read it all and heard it all as I did, I recommend this podcast! There is a message to be heard that is more important than what the world tells us.

I love this podcast!!
Finally! Someone who is teaching about body acceptance that doesn’t expect me to fall in love with my cellulite!! The body positivity movement focuses on ME and not on Jesus. Thank you, Heather for this podcast. It is helping me in so many ways!

Heather is reading my mail!
Thank God someone is teaching on this secret sin/idol most woman struggle with. We can be free!