The "Fear of Missing Out" - or FOMO - is a real thing. Our guest on this one talks about FOMO being a good thing! She has made it her mission to help businesses create FOMO to drive brand and …
Our guest on this one is close to our host in more ways than one! Lindsey Bowshier is president of a media company she is part owner of, and through years of being part of a growing agency, she and …
If there ever were two rockstars of live streaming on Amazon, these are the guys! We learn how Amazon live streaming works and we discuss strategies for making it work as part of a portfolio. Chris and Jim believe in …
As we embark on a new season - Season 6 - we re-visit with guests from the previous season. This is part two with some of our amazing guests! We revisit their episodes and ask them one BIG question... This …
We are officially into SEASON 6, friends! This moment isn't something we envisioned when we got going with this show in 2017, but we are so happy to be here, and that so many people are listening because they're getting …
On this final episode of season five(!) we take a look under the hood of the impact events can have in a different way than we have previously. Chief Nation is a UK-based agency that has made connecting people through …
A podcaster chats with a podcaster about podcasting! The guest on this episode is an OG. As someone with a podcast about marketing, I actually get more questions about podcasting than about marketing! One of the very first pods I …
Some shows are more "soft" than others in terms of tactics our listeners will take away. This show IS one of those where we get some "softer" tactics to use in our day-to-day lives, which -- as we discuss -- …
We are always the ones interviewing, so on this one co-host Jen Cole got to be the guest! Jen is a consummate community-builder and marketing professional. We talked about her career path, what this podcast has taught her as a …
We have said it before and we will say it again - video is HOT! Video has also gone through an evolution, and our guest on this episode has had his finger on the pulse of video strategies for a …
My solo shows have been quite popular and work well with my schedule (having to schedule just me!), so this is the third and final one of those in season five. Every Monday, with one exception since February 8th of …
Exploring different ways we can approach writing vs just shooting from the hip is something we can all do to improve our content. Our guest on this episode has such a clever way of pulling content from where you wouldn't …
We all have flaws. Have you considered you could turn them into your super powers? Our guest on this episode will help us understand how to turn those flaws around! Our flaws can ALSO help create stories, and Rain has …
When someone this important agrees to be your 100th episode guest, you record whenever she is available! Jen and Megan were beyond delighted when THE content marketing maven Ann Handley agreed to be on 100. (We might have fan-girled just …
Mel Kettle believes communication is about connection and relationships, not technology. As a leader (or anyone really), if you want your communication to have conviction, you first need to make sure that you're fully connected to yourself. It's also im...
We regularly hear good marketing contains good storytelling. It really does come up so frequently on this podcast! Our guest on episode 98 has a different approach to helping people FIND stories that are compelling. Stories live where you may …
Seeing lessons from everyday life requires some reflection. Do you take time to sit and think about the lessons or stories you can pull from what seems like "every day"? After a very interesting few weeks the lessons for this …
How can (and should) companies create memorable experiences that people want to SHARE? You'll learn it's not terribly difficult. And, when done consistently, it can yield some pretty awesome results! Our guest on this episode is a friend of the …
How we work with the press / media has evolved so much over the years, like everything in the digital age. Our guest on this episode shares how to stay on track and not blow a media opportunity. Elisa has …
We can have seasons in our careers and in our businesses. Our guest on this inspiring episode shares that just because we might be entrepreneurs with a certain type of business doesn't mean we have to keep doing that thing. …
The brain is complicated, but our guest on this episode does a great job of breaking it down for us! Understanding how and why we think can really help us as we work in marketing / business - and in …
Social audio continues to grow in popularity and our guest on this show is an expert in Twitter, so we wanted to talk with her about how we can all experience Twitter Spaces to our advantage (spoiler alert: both personally …
We all have those moments, whether we are in the C-Suite or just out of college! Questioning ourselves is natural, and we can be intentional in how we deal with these "imposter" thoughts. Recognizing that's what is happening is the …
Season 5 is holding nothing back, and this episode featuring Angus Nelson is no exception. He blew our minds, motivated us, inspired us, taught us, and made us laugh. When we enter a conversation with curiosity and an open mind, …