Season 1

July 29, 2019

#40 If I had To Heal My Anxiety Again, 7 Steps I Would Take

If I had to heal my anxiety ALL over again, these are the 7 steps I would take! This episode is JAM packed with step-by-step actions you can take to heal your anxiety from someone WHO HAS DONE IT!   Axe Your Anxiety...
July 22, 2019

#39 Why You Over Think

Do you overthink the smallest things? Does your overthinking keep you up at night? If YES... then this episode is for you! In this episode find out why you're overthinking and how to heal it! Axe Your Anxiety Bootcamp:...
July 15, 2019

#38 How Understanding The Stories You Tell Yourself Can Help Heal Your Anxiety

What are you telling yourself? The stories you tell yourself are powerful and if you’re telling yourself negative or fearful stories, you’re adding to your anxiety! In this episode, I show you how understanding the stories you tell yourself can...
July 8, 2019

#37 Why Your Period Gives You Anxiety

If you feel like your anxiety heightens when you have your period… you’d be right! This episode is all about how your hormones affect your anxiety, why your anxiety heightens around that time and how to heal it! Axe Your Anxiety Bootcamp:...
July 1, 2019

#36 Anxiety Around Flying

Does flying trigger your anxiety? This is how I overcame and healed my anxiety around flying and how you can too! Axe Your Anxiety Bootcamp: Instagram: How To...
June 24, 2019

#35 How The Sacral Chakra Can Help Heal Your Anxiety

The Sacral Chakra is the centre of your personal safety, your fight or flight and your subconscious. It’s also where your fear lives… if this chakra is out of balance or blocked it could be contributing to your anxiety. This episode is jam-packed...
June 17, 2019

#34 Why The Future Gives You Anxiety

Does thinking about the future trigger your anxiety? This theme showed up a couple of times when I asked what you were struggling with when it came to your Anxiety recently on IG stories!! Axe Your Anxiety Bootcamp: Instagram: Why Control or Lack Of...
June 10, 2019

#33 How To Release Anxious Energy

Wanna use energy to help heal your anxiety? THIS IS FOR YOU … in this episode I explain Law of Attraction, how you could be attracting more anxious energy to you and how to release it! Axe Your Anxiety Bootcamp: Instagram: Interested in coaching...
June 3, 2019

#32 Natural Disaster Anxiety

Does the thought of an earthquake or Tsunami trigger your anxiety? If some sort of natural disaster gives you anxiety… this episode is FOR YOU! In this episode, we’ll dive deep into the REAL reason a natural disaster triggers your anxiety, tips...
May 27, 2019

#31 How To Recover From the Backslide

Let this episode be your guide when you’ve been doing great with your anxiety and then… it surfaces again! We all come to this point when we’ve been managing our anxiety well and been feeling great for days, weeks or months and then it comes...
May 20, 2019

#30 How Having A Foundation Can Heal Your Anxiety

If you’re suffering from anxiety, you’re missing this 1 thing. All the women I’ve worked with have been missing this and once they have it… they’re healing can begin. In this episode learn how having a FOUNDATION of I am enough, I am lovable...
May 13, 2019

#29 Your Subconscious Is Causing Your Anxiety

If you’re suffering from anxiety… you’re spending too much time in your subconscious! The subconscious is the home of fear, all negative thoughts, our fight or flight mechanism and Anxiety-ville !!! In this episode learn the 3 different states...
May 6, 2019

#28 Are You Creating Your Anxiety Or Experiencing It?

There are 2 kinds of anxiety: the kind that you create and the kind that happens to you. I share a client story with you, what the difference is between the 2 anxieties and how to heal them! Axe Your Anxiety Bootcamp: Instagram: Interested in...
April 22, 2019

#27 Forgiveness With Karen Kenny

Can you forgive your anxiety? In this episode, Karen Kenney explains how forgiveness helps us heal and achieve peace of mind. Axe Your Anxiety Bootcamp: Instagram: Interested in coaching with me? Click here: Client testimonials: Karen’s...
April 15, 2019

#26 How Decision Making Could Be Giving You Anxiety

FUN FACT: Your decision making could be causing you anxiety! This episode is about how feminine energy makes decisions based off of what she doesn’t want, not what she does want. This could cause inner conflict which could add to your anxiety! Learn...
April 8, 2019

#25 What To Do When Your Anxiety Overwhelms You

Does your anxiety make you feel overwhelmed?
April 1, 2019

#24 7 Things I Learned From Tony Robbins

Have you ever wondered what Tony Robbin’s events are like? I went to his Unleash The Power Within in LA this weekend and learned so many life changing things! I wanted to go so I could share these principles with you! I hope you enjoy! Axe Your...
March 25, 2019

#23 How to Heal The Hypochondriac Anxiety

In this we’ll dive deep into the anxiety you feel when you’re worried about your physical health. Do you feel a pain and immediately thing you’re going die? Does it give you anxiety? If YES… then this episode is for you! I’ll show you how...
March 18, 2019

#22 Relationship Anxiety Part 2

Does your relationship give you anxiety?
March 11, 2019

#21 Relationship Anxiety Part 1

Does your relationship give you anxiety?
March 4, 2019

#20 Why Control Gives You Anxiety

Does control give you anxiety?
Feb. 25, 2019

#19 How To Get A Good Night's Sleep Without Anxiety

Is your anxiety keeping you up at night?
Feb. 18, 2019

#18 How Understanding Your Attachments Can Help Heal Your Anxiety

This episode is all about how understanding your attachments can help heal your anxiety! Some people attach their safety to their finances, some attach their self-worth to what others thing of them. Learn how attachments define us and how to break...
Feb. 11, 2019

#17 How Forgiveness Can Help Heal Your Anxiety

Today's episode is all about forgiveness and how it can help you heal your anxiety. We talk about forgiveness principles and how they apply to your anxiety. As well as how to implement it into your everyday life. Axe Your Anxiety Bootcamp: ...